I agree- You win! I thought I was having a lousy week.

Now I know why we didn't see you for telescope night. I forgive you. I bet Cira will also.

My week wasn't the best either. Mostly crap and people form work. Oh, the guy I've been seeing acting like the end of this -->

My car is also in the shop. The guy told me 1 day. Then it became til noon the next day. I stayed home from work so I could get it at noon. He had even mentioned delivering it to me. I called and he said it was looking good and the paint was drying. No problem. I was working from home and getting a lot done. Next time I looked at the clock it was 4:30. Hmmmm... I called no answer. I called again. No answer. So, I prepare to walk there before they close. It is about 2 miles from my house. I call again. They used the wrong color paint. It won't be ready til today at noon.

Can you say I am now a little irritated......
So once again, my yard sale is postponed because I couldn't put the signs up. I wasn't able to go shopping for the birthday gifts for my brother's party today. I have to have a car by this afternoon because I am expected in Silver Spring. My family will be there for a bbq/birthday party. My neice came form Jersey. My mom came down off the mountain. That is a bit of a long walk.
Think I should start now?

Have a better weekend.