sorry it's been so long.....
here is a little update on what has been going on with me lately. first of all.... it has been 21 days since i smoked a cigarette. 

i am so proud of myself. now all i have to do is get my eating back under control. it seems like i can't stop eating. i am trying to eat the good things but it is not always easy. as for my toes.... i got the stitches and the pins taken out yesterday (tuesday) and i feel pretty good. they are still quite sore and swollen. i had to remove 2 stitches myself because the doc forgot them os he just didn't see them because of the scabs on them. but the doc said they look good. and i can finally take a shower.
thank heaven. lol
i will go back to see him next week. i also have my last test (i hope) next wednesday(20th) for my wls and i have 3 mths under my belt on the diet. even though it isn't working to good right now. well i guess thats all for now. hope to be on more often but i will probably trying to get things back to normal around here since i have been down for 14 days. you can just imagine what has to be done. 
hugs, tammy

It's amazing that you have not smoked with all you have going on! WTG girl! Very proud of you. So glad to hear the toes/foot are healing properly. Now concentrate on the eating. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Do as your Doc says. Don't over do it.
"Ours not to reason why, Ours but to do and die". Alfred Lord Tennyson
traci, thanks for your thoughts and prayers. i believe it is helping me alot. i don't even really miss the smoking but i do find myself reaching for them just out of habit. as for my toes and afoot. well my feet and toes tell me when i am over doing it. they swell up like balloons and i can't hardly walk. i kind of over did things yesterday so i am taking it easy today. i think once i can really get around good, then i won't eat as much. right now i am so bored that that is all i do is eat. when i can get around i can go outside and find something to do to keep my mind off the food. again thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

That is so great that you have not smoked in 21 days. Isn't that how long it takes to break a habit?
I think it is all downhill where the smoking is concerned.
Now...about the eating. I have 4 months under my belt as of today and I still have not lost any weight to speak of. Keep plugging away!!!! We will get there...especially with everyone's support on here.
gail, yes lets just keep trugging on
, i am sure we will get through this together and as you said with all the support we have here, it will be alot easier then going it alone. as for the 21 days, yes i think that is what it is. when i got hypnotized for smoking i had to listen to the tapes for 21 days to be successful but of course i didn't do that. 
well gotta go for now. have a great weekend.

Tammy, that is so great about the not smoking. I know my mother struggled with that for many years. She finally overcame and says she honestly doesn't miss it anymore. Keep it up! Sounds like you are making progress is several areas of your life. It's great to be moving forward, huh?! You can do this and the next three months will fly by and soon you will have a date for surgery.
Hugs, Robin

272/150 down 122 lbs!!! WOW!!