overwhelmed but happy
Bonnie R
Island Girl

We have the same surgeon, my surgery was on 5/15. He is going to want your husband to be there. I took my only adult brother and one aunt with me to sign the release. I am not married and I was asked very detailed questions before deciding who to bring.(My mom is deceased, father is missing in action, and my daugther is 3 years old) My aunt is always listed as my emergency contact but my brother signed the release becasue he is technically the person who can legally sign a release stating he understands the potential complications of the surgery. My brother and aunt were both skeptical about the surgery and at one point my brother said he wouldn't go to the appointment becasue he didn't want me to do it. Well, he went (I used my influence as his older sister to get him to go) and was glad he went. He learned a lot and was confident in Dr. Roe. The meeting will be very informative for your husband. A lot of people are anti wls becasue they are uneducated about the process and benefits. IMO you need your husbands support, regardless of what Dr. Roe says. But rest assured, the doctor is great and will answer all questions and help you through this. Shawnette
The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!
Wow, I'm not sure why someone other than the patient signing a release is necessary. I suppose he's trying to cover himself in case something happens, but it seems to me (I am a lawyer) that if you're mentally competent (and I am assuming you are), someone else's signature isn't necessary. At least legally necessary. My DH isn't really that keen on this either, but I think he understands why I believe it's necessary, and he does want me to live long enough to raise our daughter, now 5, to adulthood. So that'll do for now. I'm not sure how good he'll be about picking up the slack while I'm down for the count, but I seriously doubt he'll do anything to sabotage my weight loss efforts.