Information needed from any" Post-ops"
I hate to drink what you love to drink. My mainstays are water and decaf ice tea. I can chug-a-lug these all day long. I can also tolerate sugar, to an extent. One day you will push your luck with the amount that you have consumed, and your heart will do the tango and you'll break out in a sweat, and pretty much feel like you want to pass out. Try to stay clear of sugar!! Remember- just because you can does not mean you should (I needed to remind myself of this too!). Stay busy, eat right, and all else will fall into place. Next visit, more lbs will have melted off. Keep us updated. Food wise, I love grilled chicken salads, refried beans, cheese, eggs, sliced tomatoes, watermelon, peanut butter and bananas on one piece of 12 grain bread, quesidillas, tuna, chicken spread, sugar free pudding, cantalope, etc. Food to me to very boring right now. I have to expand my horizons. I got Daniel's cookbook, and really need to sit down and make out some interesting menus.
"Ours not to reason why, Ours but to do and die". Alfred Lord Tennyson
I have discovered diet snapple drinks. They have a cranberry beverage mixed with another fruit that I just couldn't get enough of last week. I checked it before I bought it and it has a low sugar content.
I don't think there is anyone who hasn't tested the waters and had some real sugar type products. A small amount may not bother you, but just one more bite might have you running and feeling so ill in a heartbeat.
I really think it is important that you stop seeing if you can and stick to what you know you should. If you can't find your book, I'll copy mine for you. I know right where it is located.
The love of my OH Family has me humbled!!!!