Just spoke to Violet
Hi all. Violet just called me and she sounds good. Groggy but good. They took her off the pump and she is now taking liquid Oxycodeine.
Obviously getting some good sleep on and off! She's been up and walking on and off since last night. YOU GO VIOLET!!!
She's sore on her right side, but has pain on her left where the drain is so they're going to check on that for her. It's probably just hitting something. Her gall bladder was removed and had a good size stone in it. Her sugar is back in the normal range (her normal range). They are moving her to another room today; a single, but I'm going to go up to visit her tonight. Violet said that she was told that she should be going home tomorrow night. She appreciates everyone's prayers and good thoughts! I'm sure she will post when she can.

I'm so glad that she is doing well, wu kew she would, Dr Schweitzer is the best. I saw him on Monday and he is so nice, I'm so glad I chose him for my surgery. . I remember how scared I was before the surgery too! The night before the surgery, I made up my mind not to do it ----things always look better in the morning, and I had a good talk with myself, and I didn't back out. Viiolet is normal, we all hesitate at some point. . I hope she has a fast recovery, she is lucky to have you for a friend., Tell her, we're all thinking of her, Linda.