June Outting Date Changed
Ok so the date for the Baltimore Zoo outting has changed. Instead of Saturday June 30th it will be July 1st (the sunday right after) Same time we will meet at 10:00 am at the ticket booth. Parking is free. Ticket prices are on the website if you want to check them out but i think for adults it is $15.00 and kids 2-11 is $10.00(I think) and under 2 is free. But check out the website if you need to. Let me know if you can make it so we do not leave anyone behind. If something comes up that day please call my cell so we dont wait for someone who is not coming. I will post my number that morning. Have a great week
We won't be there at 10am, we are in church. My girls won't miss the early service just for the zoo, they love church too much. But we might make it later on, after church and maybe see you all there walking around. Should be lots of fun.

272/150 down 122 lbs!!! WOW!!
Hi Robin,
Sorry I did not think about the families that went to church. I guess myself I do not go so maybe thats why I did not think about it. I will post my cell number the night before incase someone cancels that says there coming so we dont wait around for someone who isnt coming so call me when you guys get there and we can meet up.