My good news!!!!
Hey everyone!
Hope all is well in the world for everyone!!!! I had a great weekend and spent some time with some awesome Losers too!!! good news first...yesterday I was over Kelly's with Margie talking picnic talk and I asked Kelly if I could borrow her scale since I'm always unsure about my own.
(It's an old-school dial one) Anyways....the scale says 198.3!!!!!! OMG I was sooooooo happy!!! I think the last time I was under 200 pounds was in high school or even jr. long ago I just can't remember! LOL Life is GOOD!!!
I haven't been this happy with myself in a long time!
I can't believe that just 7 months and 17 days ago I weighed in at 311, was miserable, sluggish, unhappy, hating life and didn't feel like an average 36 year old should feel.
My second bit of awesome news is that my baby sister graduated from medical school today!!!
I now have a surgeon in my family!!!!
I couldn't be there because she graduated from Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences in Missouri...but I was there in spirit!
My parents just called me from the airport and said it was a very nice graduation and it's offical!!!
So, that's a little bit of sunshine
in my world right now!!! Today at Savage Mill was nice. Was so great to meet Jay, his wife Joanne, and their son John.
Great people!!!!! Also, Aime found Kelly and I for lunch at Ram's Head so that was nice as well!
Was a very small (and shrinking)
group but nice just the same!!!! Ya'll have a GREAT rest of the day!!!!!

Thanks Honey!!!
I'm sorry you were home and bored
on are coming with next time!!! No arguments!!! LOL I miss you!!!!
Thanks so much! I feel great! So proud of my sis too!
How are things with you? I swear I've been out of the loop for a bit now and not liking it!!! LOL Need to keep in tune more!!!

That's so good about the under 200 milestone!! WTG!! Glad to hear that Savage Mills went good. Sorry that I could not make it. Headed to a family gathering at Lake Anna VA. Always fun, boating, tubing (for those brave enough to handle the cold water), and lots of food and socializing. Kept my intake to a minimum. Any picnic updates? Just curious. Have a good one!