ha ha ha I second that one. Today I tried a dish jamie told me about, refried beans with some cheddar on top, just a lil bit though, it was so yummy I will have the rest for breakfast, man it was good. I love beans too, I went to get some butter beans and black beans, yum yum yummmmm. I just hope they don't make me...... you know......ha ha ha
Congrats!!!! Told you the refried beans with cheese on top was a life saver for me and someone from this board told me about it! I had my appointment Tuesday and am down to 205 so that 47lbs lost since surgery and it's even more evident in my clothes. I can start working out and I don't go back to see her until late July so that's cool. I love Dr.Lee. Best of luck with the rest of your journey it only gets better from here.