"my first Wow!!!
I got ready for work this morning, I put on my new (3 sizes smaller) work pants & a (2 sizes smaller) work shirt. I got in the car headed for the job. I was yakking on the cell phone, ( bad habbit & dangerous I know!!) but I try to be careful. Anyway.. I happen to look down at my stomach, which "used" graze my steering wheel, Well.. Much to my surprise!! My stomach was serveral inches away from the steering wheel!! I was so Amazed!! the biggest smile came across my face, and this was my very first "Wow" moment I just had to share this with you all!! My friend, to whom I was chatting with was happy for me too!! In the past I had issues in the "car" with my seatbelt of course,not being able to get it around me comfortably, and my stomach touching the steering wheel nearly,and of course getting in & out of the car was a struggle as well. It's a gotten easier these days. Now all I need to do is just excercise "More" and I could really do this "wl" thing Right!! Just sharing my very first, WOW!! moment. Hope All are well. Take Care.Peace. jbug

Thanks!! I was wondering what would the very first be?? & of course that was it!! It really makes me feel good, I really needed that Moment. I've just returned to work, and it has not been easy for me. I get tired of being on my feet for eight plus hours each day. I work up to six days a week, so it's going to take some getting used to. I'm stressing right now!! Over finals! So I'm going for a walk, which I'm hoping it too, will make me feel better & calm me down, some what so I can concentrate. That moment was just so wonderful!! I told a few other people, but they just don't get it?? But I know I sure do!!! Peace. jbug. & I knew my "Friends" here on OH, surely would understand what I really mean!! Thanks!! Again.
That was just such a big deal to me!! Even now it brings a smile to my face!! because there are times when I think? Am I loosing? because when I look in the mirror things, look pretty much the same to me, but when I saw those extra "inches" from my stomach to the steering wheel, it let's me know!! Yes, slowly but surely the weight is coming off. & that's one of the best places, the stomach area!! I still think, WOW! I've still got so long to go, but that really helped me actually "see" a real result.
Peace. jbug