"my first Wow!!!

"LADYbug-j" L
on 5/12/07 11:18 am - Laurel, MD
I got ready for work this morning, I put on my new (3 sizes smaller) work pants & a (2 sizes smaller) work shirt. I got in the car headed for the job. I was yakking on the cell phone, ( bad habbit & dangerous I know!!) but I try to be careful. Anyway.. I happen to look down at my stomach, which "used" graze my steering wheel, Well.. Much to my surprise!! My stomach was serveral inches away from the steering wheel!! I was so Amazed!! the biggest smile came across my face, and this was my very first "Wow" moment I just had to share this with you all!! My friend, to whom I was chatting with was happy for me too!! In the past I had issues in the "car" with my seatbelt of course,not being able to get it around me comfortably, and my stomach touching the steering wheel nearly,and of course getting in & out of the car was a struggle as well. It's a gotten easier these days. Now all I need to do is just excercise "More" and I could really do this "wl" thing Right!! Just sharing my very first, WOW!! moment. Hope All are well. Take Care.Peace. jbug
Aime B.
on 5/12/07 8:41 pm - Baltimore, MD
That is a great wow!!! I stated to notice that I fit properly behind the wheel not long after I had my surgery also. It has always been an issue for me as I am so short. Not only did I need the seat pulled all the way up, I had to constantly adjust the seatbelt. Keep on dancing!!!! Aime
"LADYbug-j" L
on 5/13/07 9:07 am - Laurel, MD
Thanks!! I'm on my way to go walking now, I'm pushing myself today. I have finals and I'm stressing, so I know this walk will help. Peace. jbug.
on 5/12/07 9:18 pm - Anne Arundel County, MD
jbug!! I am over 3 years out and I still get a thrill when I look down and see the room between me and the steering wheel! Congrats on the first wow .. there will be many more to come! Hugs, Mo
"LADYbug-j" L
on 5/13/07 9:16 am - Laurel, MD
Thanks!! I was wondering what would the very first be?? & of course that was it!! It really makes me feel good, I really needed that Moment. I've just returned to work, and it has not been easy for me. I get tired of being on my feet for eight plus hours each day. I work up to six days a week, so it's going to take some getting used to. I'm stressing right now!! Over finals! So I'm going for a walk, which I'm hoping it too, will make me feel better & calm me down, some what so I can concentrate. That moment was just so wonderful!! I told a few other people, but they just don't get it?? But I know I sure do!!! Peace. jbug. & I knew my "Friends" here on OH, surely would understand what I really mean!! Thanks!! Again.
on 5/13/07 10:57 pm - MD
Congrats keep up the good work!!!
"LADYbug-j" L
on 5/14/07 3:30 am - Laurel, MD
ThanX!!! How are you doing??
Cira S.
on 5/13/07 11:39 pm - Charles Town , WV
Now that is an Awsome Wow moment!! There will be many more Wow moments to come make sure to share them with us too. Good luck on your finals and working so much. Remember to not to overdo it too. Hugs, Cira
"LADYbug-j" L
on 5/14/07 3:39 am - Laurel, MD
That was just such a big deal to me!! Even now it brings a smile to my face!! because there are times when I think? Am I loosing? because when I look in the mirror things, look pretty much the same to me, but when I saw those extra "inches" from my stomach to the steering wheel, it let's me know!! Yes, slowly but surely the weight is coming off. & that's one of the best places, the stomach area!! I still think, WOW! I've still got so long to go, but that really helped me actually "see" a real result. Peace. jbug
Cira S.
on 5/19/07 8:43 am - Charles Town , WV
And there will be many mor eto follow. I can't wait to hear all about them. Hugs cira
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