Time-release medications
Just a quick question. I was given a time-release med by my PCP. One pill is supposed to do it all. Is that different for me now? Do I have to double-dose because meds work differently on me now? She did give me a refill but said not to use it unless I have to. Any input would be great! My surgeon isn't in the office today so I can't get an answer from him.
Hope everyone is doing well with everything! Been busy with work and play and totally enjoying myself! Haven't even really had the time to come on the boards like I would like to. Hopefully everything will settle down soon and life can resume normalicy....whatever that is! LOL
Looking forward to seeing everyone who is coming to Savage Mill on the 20th! I'll post offically on it next week and get a final head count for brunch. Even though we'll be inside hopefully we'll have great weather that day!
They talked about this at the meeting you missed. I cant remember what exactly was said but I dont think they work as well for you. Call another surgeon and ask there office. I'm sure they will tell you. I'm surprised your pcp didnt know. But then again they are just a pcp and not specialized in the surgery and all there is to it. Hope you are ok