Happy Monday!
Hey everyone -
Hope you all had a great weekend! The weather was BEEYOOTIFUL!! On Saturday, KB and I met Heather Mod-i and Kylie at a local park, where, for the next two hours or so, Kylie ran K ragged!! They all had a great time, and Heather and I got to chat, gossip, etc.!!!! Then KB and I ran some errands and went home to have appetizers for dinner. Then mountains of laundry, as always - I swear, HOW can three people wear soooo many clothes? On Sunday, K and I went to breakfast, Walmart and a couple of errands. We took Dad to the Essex Diner for his birthday dinner ($45 for SIX people!), and I had a FABULOUS Greek salad with gyro meat. Back to our house for strawberry shortcake, or really, yellow cake, whipped cream and strawberries - NOT my idea of strawberry shortcake. I crashed for a little while before I met the Heathers and Heather Mod-i's Floyd (he's a MoSweetie!!!) at Tully's to hear my friend's band, Local Traffic, play. Actually, I've renamed them Eye Candy - both guys are incredibly easy on the eyes. They played a great variety of songs and we had a great time. Heather Mod-e and I shared a pound of shrimp and we still had some left! Amazing! In the past, I could've and would've eaten the whole pound, onions and all and probably some of Mod-i's nachos and wings!!
So we had a great time and plan to see them again when they play. I'll post when I know, maybe some of you would like to join us.
Looks to be a busy week here; Saturday starts Fallen Heroes Week in DC, and we're having a ceremony here on Friday with the Governor in attendance, so I know the Colonel will have us cleaning and straightening things up.
I'm softball queen tonight - I'd like to say scorekeeping has gotten easier - it has, provided they don't move TOO fast around the bases!!!!
Any news? Surgery dates? Problems? Good, juicy gossip??
Have a great day everyone!
Sounds like you had a (eye)full weekend!
Saturday, we took John to the Zoo for the second weekend in a row. He's all about the animals right now. Then yesterday, we tried going to Gunpowder Falls State Park in the morning to fly the kite, but it was too cold and windy. Ended up going to Walmart, Costco, and Mars to get the weekly shopping out of the way. Oh! And Lowe's to get yard stuff. John napped while I worked in the yard. Then we took JoAnn to The Avenue so she could hit up the AC Moore sale, I splurged for a Mocha Lite Frappachino at Starbucks, and we bought a book on potty training.
By the way, does anyone use the Big Train low carb mocha ice blends??? And, if so, is the mix available locally???
Have a good day! Time for me to go night night... It's past my bed time.
Yep, my weekends always seem to fly much faster than Monday-Friday. I need to talk to someone about that.
We have a family membership at the zoo - sounds like you might, too, because if not, it can be pretty expensive. I was disappointed the last time we were there, though, no prairie dogs! I hate going to Walmart on the weekends, so I was there yesterday at 9 a.m. The store wasn't too crowded, but the parking lot's ALWAYS nuts at Golden Ring. Actually, I've gotten to prefer the Carroll Island store, the people are nicer and they have a Dunkin Donuts, so I can get a caffeine fix. I LOVE the Starbucks at the Avenue - I like going early on Saturday or Sunday to sit outside and people watch. Kind of a treat for me!
Never used the Big Train products - there's a store on Eastern Avenue in Essex, the Sugarless Shoppe - they also have a website, www.sugarlessshoppe.com - give them a try. The only thing I've bought from them has been s/f margarita mixes.
The next time KB and I and Heather Mod-i and Kylie go to Eastern Regional Park, bring the family. We can sit and chat while they run themselves ragged!
Sweet dreams,
Let me know about Eastern Regional... we've never gone there. We usually just take John to the other park on Eastern (I'm still learning the area) behind Al's Seafood (near Eastern and 695).
Yep, we're members at the zoo. I figured with a soon-to-be two year old, we would be spending a lot of time there. Walmart on the weekends stink, but we never go to Golden Ring. It's Carroll Island or nothing... I despise the Golden Ring parking lot! and, since it sounds like we're in the same general area, do you ever go to Bengie's? We went once last season, saw Nacho Libre and Superman. Looking forward to making a few more trips this year.
I'll definitely be checking out the Sugarless Shoppe! Thanks for the link!
Hey jay! I live over by the Golden Ring Walmart and I agree, the parking lot SUCKS. Whomever designed it was an idiot.
As for the park, maybe one time when Tia and I take the munchkins to the park you all can meet up with us. Kylie would LOVE to play with another 2 year old. She loves K too though
Just a quick minute to post here! I got up and went to the gym on Sat a.m, then home to shower and go for my mammogram .. it's such a relief to have that done for another year! I spent Saturday doing laundry so that we wouldn't have to worry about it with the bridge walk on Sunday. Of course, we got up on Sunday a.m. and I never gave the wind a thought. I was focused on .. it's NOT raining, therefore there is a bridge walk ... WRONG!!!! We went back home, ate our breakfast sandwiches and read the paper. About 10:30 we ventured out to go shopping for a TV for the RV. Found the TV fairly easily, but still went to Arundel Mills to walk around.
I fell on Saturday (tripped over a shoe in my bedroom .. DUH!!!) and I'm feeling a bit bruised. I was lucky I didn't break my foot/ankle the way I went down. It's been easy to think I shouldn't go to the gym but I've pushed myself!!!
Ok, time to get busy here.
Hugs & smoochies, Mo
Hey Moie -
Happy Monday! I'm sorry the walk got cancelled, I know how you look forward to that.
Well, IMHO, the most likely suspect is Lefty, who probably gets tired of being left alone and PUSHED the shoe into your path!! Glad it wasn't serious!!
Oh, and the lil green tags? They're supposed to be on (said in my most official voice), "ALL POSTAL AUTHORIZED EQUIPMENT!" Oh, bite me - as long as they're presentable and the poor people are comfortable, who cares about a freakin' green tag???
Have a good day!
Mr Mo doesn't wear a uniform any more (hasn't since .. ummmmmm .. sometime in 1995 ???) and as such doesn't give a thought to green tags, etc.
It's a wonder I didn't trip over Lefty and fall ON him !!! He's constantly underfoot as it is. Poor little guy would have had the life squashed outta him . He's getting excited about going off in the RV next week. We will be taking off a week from Wednesday (sometime after 7 p.m.).
Hugs, Mo
You were a busy women this weekend. I had a big weekend planned well actually a big sunday planned. Saturday night i watched the kids I used to Nanny for a bit so there parents could go out and have some fun and I got to spend some much quality time wih them. They were so excited when i walked in the door. They didnt know I was coming. Let's just say bed time was passed by cause they didnt want to go to bed. But there parents were ok with it. Then my big Sunday. I had the Bridge walk and then a potential daycare client coming at 3 for an interview and to check out the daycare. Well my friend called me on her way from Virginia and said she just heard the walk was cancelled. So I called the bayspan number and it was due to high winds. She was half way here so she just came over anyways. We stopped by my mom's and then her brothers and then hit the mall and had lunch. Then home we went. I awaited my 3 o'clock appointment and took a little cat nap then waited and waited 3 came and nothing. I thought ok maybe they are late or lost because they are from Bowie. 3:30 came nothing, no phone call. finally 4:30 I said they are not coming. She did say to me on the phone Thursday tht she was due anyday so I am hoping she had her baby and thats why they didnt show. I called her house and someone answered and I asked if she was there and they said no. I wanted to leave a message and the girl said to call back and leave it on the answering machine. So I did. So I was alittle bummed but what can you do? Nothing exciting going on this week. Just nails and some grocery shopping sometime this week. well now that I wrote a book...lol Have agreat day