Bay Bridge Walk Canx

Hi Cira,
We ended up getting a 15 inch (think it was 15) Sharp on clearance at Kmart. It was reduced to $152, and all they had was the display model so they took another $25 off because there was no remote. We bought a universal remote for $13.99 and came out ahead on the deal. We did hit Best Buy at Arundel Mills but didn't see anything there (and that was after we went to Kmart anyway .. lol).
Hugs, Mo
Go Figure I decide to finally do the walk and it gets cancelled. My friend from Virginia got here and we called the bridge and it was. So we went to the mall and and she shopped. Now home getting ready for my daycare potentials to come at 3 to check me out. I will post later about it. I hope they like it anddecide to sign. They may not sign today right away but hopefully in a few days. These kinda things you need to think about before signing right up. Well enjoy your day
Yeah bum deal.....I think I'm never gonna get the chance to walk the bridge.
My husband and i drove over to ACC...Got to parking lot (but we weren't there alone at least.) and people were just finding out of the cancellation.
You think they would have made a decision earlier before it was on the news at 7 am that it was still on. (or off as the case may be)
So...Dh and i went over to the BWI runway trails and got a couple miles in...took some airplane shots....
Then we went over to Arundel Mills at opening and got some shopping in. Didn't get too much this trip.

Hey Moie -
I was thinking of you bright and early. Sorry to hear it was cancelled, I know how much you enjoy it!!
Well, maybe next year it can be an OH outing!! Plus, I was talking with the Heathers last night and they're not completely convinced Mr. Mo exists - I assured them he does!
BTW, I'm gonna tell if his shoes don't have the requisite lil green tags!!!!