update on my heart......
well i have to go down to washington hospital center to have a catherization to the heart either mon or tues. waiting for the hospital to call me with a date and time. the dr says he don't think anything is wrong but with the stress test coming back abnormal he wants to make sure. and if there is anything wrong, like me needing a stint put in, they can do that right then and there. he said the abnormal result could be just breast tissue making it look like a blockage. i ask about having the wls and he said i could but depending on the results of this cat. i might have to delay it awhile if there is problems. (with the cat.) will keep everyone updated. and please pray that everything comes back ok. thanks

Awww, Tammy, I'm sorry. BUT let's get your heart straightened out if need be, then we'll focus on your wls!! It's all going to work out, and I say WE because we're all in this together. Better that they find something now and can fix it.
Keep thinking positive thoughts - you are not alone.
Keep the faith. I know that everything seems a little overwhelming right now with all the pre-op work, but in the end it will all be worth it. It is better to have all these issues now so that when your surgery nears you will feel comfortable that all will be well post-op. Keep us posted. We are all here to support you.