I'm not eating or drinking nearly enough...

Kelly G.
on 5/2/07 1:11 am - Lusby, MD
I feel like crap. I get really lightheaded, sweaty, shaky and weak. I think it must be because I'm not getting enough protein and/or water. Every morning I drink a half of a ready-made protein shake (can't finish a whole one yet), then I usually won't drink or eat anything else until lunch. For lunch, I have been having the other half of the protein drink, then usually nothing else until dinner. Last night for dinner I had 1/4 cup of cottage cheese, and a very small protein shake that I mixed up. I KNOW I am not getting enough fluids, but my chest feels like it is backed up with food/drink in between my meal periods. Any advice? Thanks, Kelly G.
on 5/2/07 1:19 am - Anne Arundel County, MD
Kelly, You need to be sipping water/crystal light/fluids all day to get your fluids in. If you are feeling pressure in your chest you need to contact your doctor. There may be a medical reason for that and this is not the place for medical advice. At about 5 months out I was having a serious problem keeping food down or even getting it down and was so sure it was something I was doing wrong that I let it go for way too long before I called the doctor. I had an ulcer and an esophageal stricture. They treated the ulcer with medication and I had to be dilated 3 times for the stricture. If I had it to do all over again, I would have called the doctor from the start rather than let it be until I was becoming dehydrated, etc. Hugs, Mo
Kelly G.
on 5/2/07 9:56 am - Lusby, MD
It feels like I need to burp, but can't. It also feels like I have stuff fluid in my old stomach... but this may be psychosymptomatic -- because when they did my upper GI the radiologist said that there is fluid going into the upper part of my old stomach, but my dr reassured him that it would correct over time. So now I"m scared that this is something that's not normal. My incisions (2 of them) throb, and send shooting pains if I move a certain way. I have an appointment Monday, so I will talk to him about this then. My concern is, my doctor didn't give me ANY paperwork or meal plan to follow. I went to DC yesterday to get a refill on my pain meds, and asked them then, and his assistant gave me a small pack of copies that talks about the amount of proteins, etc, I should be drinking. My thing is, I think I chose the wrong DR because you figure I went almost a week with NO directions at all!!!!
on 5/2/07 10:01 am - Anne Arundel County, MD
Kelly, Personally, I don't think you should put this off until Monday. If fluid is getting to the old pouch, you have a fistula. That may close up on its own or you my need to have it fixed. When I went through my ulcer/stricture issues I had a fistula as well and the pain was almost indescribable. Hugs, Mo
(deactivated member)
on 5/2/07 1:24 am - Middle River, MD
Oh, wow! You've got to got on the stick here, girl! Call that doctor. This isn't right. You are probably severely dehydrated, or well on your way there. There are so many negative consequences to not getting in what you need. Please don't wait!!!! CALL THE DOCTOR!!!! Tia
David G.
on 5/2/07 2:21 am - Reisterstown, MD
Hey Kelly, I second and third what was said above. You MUST get in your fluids. Then you HAVE to get in your proteins. Everything else can be covered with vitamins. Are you taking your vitamins? It is really, really important to follow your Dr's directions and if you can't (for any reason) you need to contact the office immediately. No messing around and you are not "bugging" them. You should be having a 1 week followup here (if my calculations are correct) so make sure you figure out what is going on. Good luck with this... Dave
on 5/2/07 2:28 am - Columbia, MD
You're only one week out! Your body has endured a major surgery. Of course you're gonna feel like crap. Next week REALLY will be better. Work on getting in the fluids -- sip all day. It will help. Keep tha****er or crystal light (I perfer Fruit 2-O) at hand all the time. I could not drink plain water -- totally turned me off. The Fruit 2-0 or Crystal light went down MUCH easier. The fluids are more important this week than the protein! If you can't take the cold drinks (some folks have trouble with that) try some decaf tea. But keep drinking. And then drink some more. Then work on the protein. Sneak it in. Start with just 1/4 or 1/8 of that protein shake -- have another 1/4 an hour or two later. They are quite filling at this stage, and need to be sipped, just like the water. And remember that the shakes DO count toward your liquids. Something else I really liked early on was sugar free popsicles. They went down easy and my doc said they counted as liquid.
on 5/4/07 5:03 pm
Hi Kelly, I had my RNY about the same time you did. I have had some complications and it is really important you page your doctor and talk to him ASAP. I was released on a Sunday and readmitted the following Monday due to diarhea and spiked temperature 103. As far as eating, I was instructed to eat every 3-4 hours and then I only have a spoonful or two, it is more important right now to get the fluids in. If you do not feel you are getting answer's with your doctor then camp out at his office on Monday. If it gets bad I would go to the ER, he will not be able to ignore you there and the first thing the hospital will do is put you on IV fluids. I have learned through this experience that I needed to be my own advocate. As soon as I felt bad I went to the Dr's without an appt and demanded to be seen. They diagnosis for me was over activity of bad bacteria in my colon, everyone has bacteria in your colon, but somtimes after long exposure to antibiotics, the antibiotics eat the good bacteria and the bad causing everything not being equal. Because of the diahrea I lost a lot of potassium which is needed for heart function. My point in telling you this is that you never know whatelse is being effected. Please take care of yourself and we are all here for you. I am sure you will be fine and this will pass. Jen
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