Happy Wednespay!

(deactivated member)
on 5/1/07 10:29 pm - Middle River, MD
Yep, for us underpaid State employees - it's Glory Day!! WOO-HOO, BOO-HOO! Already have most of it spent, and what I don't, KB will!! Speaking of KB - their report cards came out on Thursday and they did great again! K received 7 A's and 1 B, making the honor roll, and B received all 1's & 2's, making the effort honor roll! K also received an A+ on her Play-Doh science project! Thank goodness that's over! I'm so proud of them - they are so lucky, they work hard, but get these great grades almost effortlessly! B informed me that he thought their good grades warranted a toy!!! So I'll probably let them pick something out this weekend. I AM SOOOOO PROUD OF THEM!!!! These extra hormones and Depo shots are kicking my butt weight-wise. And if my brother doesn't soon get my treadmill put together, I'll be kicking his! I've only had the darn thing since the end of January!!! UGH!! I've at least made sure that I get my protein, fluids and supplements in, so that's something, I guess. Tonight's softball and hopefully, we won't get too trampled - Monday was them 20, us 9! Pretty painful, but we still try to tell the girls that as long as they had fun and did their best, that's all we can ask. MOTY was there Monday night, and as I was keeping score, I heard her behind me telling K's coach that she'd rather have boys than girls because they're so hormonal and mouthy. Which they are, or at least K is sometimes, but this was the first time that she'd met the coach and she's playing the poor little me role! God, I just want to choke her! Fortunately, K was on the field and didn't hear her. She is just such a piece of work!!! On Saturday, I told her that I had recently, between the two kids, spent $400 on clothes/shoes for them, and that Gary had given me his share and I would need her to start giving me some $$$! Her response, "Well, I haven't seen any of the clothes yet!" Not my problem, all I do is buy them! Plus, the clothes included dresses for K for Easter and her 5th grade graduation/awards program, shoes to go with them, etc., and shirts and jeans for B! I told her I didn't care, but that the bottom line was that I had spent the $$ and she needed to come across with some! I swear, I wanted to yank her off the porch and beat her senseless!!! She doesn't have the $$ to pay for HER children's clothing, but she's going to the beach this weekend! Since January, she's been to the beach twice. GRRRR!!! I just don't get it! MOTY, INDEED! Anyway, hope everyone has a great day! What's up with you? Tia
(deactivated member)
on 5/1/07 11:50 pm - Crofton, MD
Happy wednesday Tia Those are great grades and the honor roll, that is awsome. I think I made Honor roll once in sixth grade and that was it. Good Luck on the game. It isnt about winning it is about playing and getting out and excercising , that is a great thing to tell those girls. But you also want them to kick butt...lol so here's to kicking butt this game. I seem to think MOTY is KB's Mom? I'm sorta out of the loop. I have not heard that name so I am guessing. Your such a great Aunt. they are so lucky to have you. Well today is the big day of inspection. I'm not even nervous. My husband went to his co-workers wife's daycare ( her and her mother do it at her mother's house) she had a exasaucer and bouncy seat to give me and my husband said this place is a hospital compared to there daycare so I have nothing to worry about. So that put me at ease a little. I'm just so ready to be working again so I can shop...lol My gift for starting my own buisness and being a good house wife these past few weeks is I get to go buy a coach purse at the outlets so I am ready to start working so i can go get one. I have always wanted one but they are expensive. There like 400 bucks but a little cheaper at the outlets. So that will be exciting. Well enjoy your day and I will post later on after my inspection Enjoy your day and kick butt at softball tonight
(deactivated member)
on 5/2/07 12:15 am - Middle River, MD
Hey Kell - Yep, I am sooooo proud of KB!! I try to stay involved in their school activities and have gotten to know most of the administrators at the school. It's a very close knit community, which I love, and I'm scared to death to send K to middle school next year! Yes, MOTY stands for Mother of the Year! NOT! Such a piece of work!!!! I have every confidence that your final inspection will go swimmingly, and you'll be wiping snotty noses in no time! Ooooh, good for you on the purse. I got a t-shirt for my bday that said, "My three favorite words: handbags, shoes & chocolate!!" I'm a purse-aholic, but you're so right about the cost of a Coach bag!! Yikes!! But they're yummy, aren't they! Treat yourself, you've worked hard and you deserve it!! Good luck and let us know how you make out, Tia
(deactivated member)
on 5/2/07 1:13 am - Crofton, MD
MOTY we have one of those in our family but it is FOTY. Me and my cousin's wife make jokes at him at his son's birthday party's because he really shines there....LOL
(deactivated member)
on 5/2/07 1:18 am - Middle River, MD
Maybe we should fix them up!!!! GRRRR! Tia
on 5/2/07 12:49 am - Anne Arundel County, MD
Just peeking for a quick moment! You are such a wonderful person to be in in KB's life for them considering the lack of maternal instinct that MOTY seems to have!!! They are very special kids. I just need to get through the next couple of weeks and then I am on vacation for almost 2 weeks ... I soooo need this vacation Another cashier's vacation next week that is going to need to be covered, so I am probably going to be a cashier again next week .... ack !!! As long as I don't have to wait on the public, I will hang in there!! My procedures have been scheduled ... June 11 is the stent and then the 14th is the lithrotripsy. That is just the one kidney and then he will be wanting to do the OTHER one!!! I'm not worried because no matter what the discomfort of this .. it's gotta be better than going through another attack. Ok .. time to get back with it here. Talk to you soon. Hugs & smoochies, Mo
(deactivated member)
on 5/2/07 1:22 am - Middle River, MD
Hey Moie - I'm the lucky one - I shudder to think what my life would be like without them. The SUPER just kind of burst my bubble - K's 5th grade graduation ceremony is June 14 (wanna trade?), and I put my leave request slip in today only to hear her say, "Well, I'll have to let you know, I might be going away that week!" MIGHT! GRRR! Now, this day is the culmination of everything K has worked so hard for, and everything we've worked hard for as a family and both she and I will be crushed if I can't be there. So pray that it all works out!! Oh, to be independently wealthy! Vacay? Where? Nascar-watching? Oh, yes, you do deserve it!!! The beauty of my position now is that we only have contact with the public over the phone, and sometimes, if it gets out of hand, we can hang up!!! I'm glad there's light at the end of the kidney stone trouble! Where will you have it done? You're right, this is a different, better type of pain!! I know you'll be dancing in your red boots soon after! Have a good afternoon, Tia
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