I been holding fast ...
I been holding fast to this liquid diet thingy. Thanks for all the support and the wake up call. I want my surgery done Lap not open, that sentence from Cira, cleared a path for me.
But just a quick note, is it wrong my hubby cooked fish and veggies and got the house smelling so good, lol. I told him to pour the juices from off the mixed veggies and the spinach into a bowl so I can drink it, lol I am terrible, but its liquid, lol

You "Big Day" is like right here!! just a few more days!! Two week liquid diet, I can only imagine how hard that has really been for you?? because I only had to do three days, and that was a slight challenge in it's self, but you have tried to " hang" on in there and I know it was REALLY, REALLY hard!! This was a really important part of the journey, "self control" kinda like a head game, because the real deal will begin soon after surgery is over. You have come this far!!
and you are here!! I'm making room for you on the "losers" bench, so these last few days should be such a brezze. Congratulations!!! The time is so near!! Hang on tight with all your Might!!! You can do it!! Oh by the way, the juices from hubby's dinner? Just call it a special broth is all!!
Take Care!! & God Bless!! Peace. jbug