Tia question for you...
Hey Linda,
That's the whole thing I can sip anything since I got that stuck feeling early this afternoon. I tried to sip chicken broth and I got the same feeling again alll over and I kept dry heaving and spitting that nasty saliva that comes up when you feel the need to vomit.
DVR told me to wait a couple of hours before I try a sip again. he called me around 4 I think so i will try around 6pm I am very thirsty. If I get that again I guess I will be going to GBMC for IV and to get checked out. I have an appt in the morning with Ann the counselor I don't have a number to contact her to cancel. Ususally she calls the daty before to confirm that I am coming but she hasn't called yet.
I am praying that I am ok by the time I try to sip a little later. I am pooped.
Thank you
Hi Aime,
I am sorry you dumped today. I hope you are feeling better.
The weird thing is I had eating this just fine before but today my body was not having it. Luckily I am finally able to drink clear liquids and tomorrow I will have full liquids and introduce solids again on Sunday. Hopefulli my pouch will not be so grouchy anymore.
Hi Heather,
I am doing a lot better my pouch feels a little sore still. I was finally able to dring water yesterday after 6:30 pm without feeling nauseous. Today I have been on whole liquids. I had made chicken soup yesterday and I blended 1/2 cup earlier today and did good. Half an hour ago I had the chicken soup without blending it and I did well also so I guess I can eat solids tomorrow again. I just came up from the basement I was on the treadmill for 20 minutes I did 20 this morning too. So I am definitely improving since I have done the treadmill twice in one day with incline too.
How long does your stuck feeling last? I was one hour feeling miserable until I finally threw up yuck with the foamies too. Just awful. Do you get the pain in the middle of your chest with the lapband? How about a runny nose and can not take a deep breath? All this is really weird to me.
How is Miss Kylie doing?
Talk to you soon.

Girl -- I've had that one and when I threw up I didn't put anything in me for at least an hour. I remember Dr. V saying something like if I felt something in my chest area to stop and wait for about 30 minutes. I've had the food stuck and it was from eating too fast and not completely chewing the food. It was horrible
but I certainly felt better afterwards and since then its been chew, chew, chew. I've had feelings in my chest and I when I get one I "STOP THE PRESSES!"