I was in an awesome live chatwith Carnie Wilson
One of the guys I work with is a huge Beach boy fan and is very close with the band. He offered to have Carnie call me. I was like wow -- so cool. I haven't taken him up on the offer yet. I saw a brief bio on her when after she had surgery she started drinking a lot and didn't realize how much she was drinking but she got control of it again and looks great.
Nadine that would be awesome take him up on his offer she is a great lady and full of wonderful information. She did have a drinking problem it is called transfer addiction. But she got help and did great she also had a baby and the baby is 2 years old now. She has an infomercial and is working on some new projects and hopefully we will get to see and hear from her more often now.
She said last night that she is still struggling with 30 pounds of the weight she had regained after having the baby. But is doing everything possible to lose it back soon.
Have a great day!
She's one of the daughters of Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys. She was in a pop group in the 90's called "Wilson Phillips". She had gastric bypass surgery several years ago and regained some weight (had a baby) and from what I understand now, she's lost it again.
So do ya feel back in the loop now?
Take Care,

Hey girl,
How are you doing? I have been a little behind with catching up on all the posts and I just read about McSweetie and McMop. lol
I am so glad that Mcsweetie is a great guy I hope you bring him to one of our gatherings one day.
I am doing pretty good but doing horrible with liquids and exercise. I really need to work on that. I feel like I could have lost more if I worked harder on that but it is such a struggle of late. Especially when I have two little at home saying constantly I want to get on the treadmill Mommy it is my turn and I had only been onit for 3 minutes. lol
I really need to find the energy tho. I do take all my vitamins/
Take care sweetie I hope you have a wonderful day.
How is McMom doing?
I tried to pull that site up and nothing came up. Is is www.lightandhope.com?
Bonnie R
Hi Bonnie,
I was so excited last night that I didn't realize I misspelled the site. Here is the link.