I have what???
I haven't been feeling too great and saw my Primary care doc today and he thinks I have shingles! I'm in big pain and feel awful. I thought only old people got shingles, but I was told anytime after the age of 50 you can get them. Somehow they are related to the chickenpox virus and can appear at anytime. I should be feeling better in a few days after the meds start working. Always something!!! Anyone have any experience with shingles?
OUCH!!! My mother in law had shingles a couple years ago and she was miserabe. She seemed to get them more in her.....plumpier and hidden places, such as under her breasts and in between her thighs. (Sorry if that was tmi). It took her several days of being on meds before she got any relief. She took alot of oatmeal baths she said that helped. Again, maybe tmi....but she slept naked with a fan on her and said it felt like heaven
Also, do not pick, scratch or anything else remotely close to those actions because they will leave horrible scars.
I hope you feel better soon and if you need anymore info, just let me know.
Love ya,
Heather J.
My husband had them really bad a few years ago and he was only 29 or 30 at the time. He was in so much pain. I know if your doctor thinks you have it and gives you a Rx for Valtrex ( a herpies medicine) it can help ward it off in the early stages. My husband took the Valtrex, but it was too late and it became a full fledged case. It is related to the chicken pox virus, but can also come on via stress or trauma.
Best of luck! I hope that you don't have it and if you do, I hope it is not severe. So sorry! I hope this passes soon for you.
Hi Linda,
Hope you are feeling better soon! Must be something going around because one of the girls here at work got shingles a few weeks ago on her forehead. Looked like she had two horns growing! Anyways, she is only 28! Her's is gone now but from what I understand she was pretty uncomfortable for a few days! Take care of yourself and feel better soon!!!
Hi Linda,
I had a severe case of shingles 3 years ago.
Unlike most, mine attacked the upper right side of my head and face. I temporarily lost 90% of the vision in my right eye and ended up with scarring on the cornia. I can see but have a blind spot in the center of my vision in my right eye. I lost 25% of the hearing in my right ear and have a persistent ringing in that ear. If I get stressed or nervous, the line across my forehead, where the blisters were the worst, still itches.
As for pain...well, during the outbreak, I became so sensitive to light that I could not leave my basement. The actual ra****ched. On three occasions I had nerve pain attacks that started in my scalp and spread through the entire effected area. On one occasion, it literally drove me to my knees. The attacks would only last about 2 minutes, but it was the worst pain I ever experienced.
This all started at a point in my life were I was really doing well on a diet. I was walking and eating well and had lost almost 20 lbs in 2 months. The first med they put me on was a steroid. The big side effect was it made me hungry beyond anything I could remember. I could not go outside and all I did was eat. Well, that killed that diet.
I really do feel for you. If it is indeed shingles, you have a tough little road ahead.
As for the origin. You have to have contracted or been exposed to chicken pox to get shingles. Once you get chicken pox, the latent virus for shingles is then released into your body. The virus hides in the spinal column and remains latent for years. Through unknown conditions, the virus activates and attacks the nerves which creates the pain and associated rash. This is also why you generally only get it localized areas (unlike chicken pox that attacks the entire body).
You can't give shingles to someone, but if you come into contact with someone that has not had chicken pox (or the chicken pox vaccine) you can actually give them chicken pox. So be careful around children while you have the rash!
While this used to be something that only hit people over 50, they are now seeing it in younger and younger individuals. I was 39 when I got my case. They are just starting to do research on why this might be.
Google Shingles and you will find a ton of information.
I wish you the best in dealing with this. If there is anything I can help with, please let me know.
My friend, who is just turned 50 last year, just got over shingles. She said it was pretty painful. She had it all over her torso. We were riding in her car and she would not sit with her back on the seat because it hurt too much. I don't know how she stood to wear clothing and go to work all day. She even pulled off a conference for which she was the coordinator!
I hope you are feeling better soon. Take it easy for awhile.
Hugs, Robin