WOO-HOO!!! Seems like it took forever, but here it is!!! I've got a busy weekend planned, and not a whole lot of energy, thanks to the PFH. I'm thinking that I'm going to have to have a uterine ablation if I don't want to have a partial hysterectomy right now, which I don't. My gyn comes back on 4/30, so I'm gonna call today and make an appointment. I trust him implicitly, and he knows that I'd like to wait, so we'll see.
Tomorrow is opening day for K's softball league, which means a parade and team pictures. Her poor team is like the team from the Island of Misfit Toys! It doesn't help, either, that she doesn't have much oomph since she's overweight, and she's the youngest on the team - she's 10 on an 11-13 league. Since she turns 11 about a week before the season ends, she had to be on the 11-13 team, which I didn't agree with, but whatever. After that, we have a bday party for my cousin's little boy, which will be a lot of fun for KB since there's a trampoline, etc. and it's supposed to be a beautiful day.
I'm having my piggies sandblasted on Sunday a.m., then I'm having lunch with my Mom & aunt. Again, another beautiful day seems to be in store for Sunday.
I haven't heard from Moie - hope you're not in bunches of pain. McMom is HOPEFULLY having her drain removed today; I'm gonna call Terry later this afternoon, so if she doesn't post something I will.
Kelly, I owe you $$ for the picnic - I'm sorry, with being sick right after Easter, it slipped my mind! The check is in the mail!
Hope everyone has a great weekend! Drink, protein, vits!!!!!
Good Morning!!!! Well, it's FRIDAY and I am soooooooooo happy about that!
After having a busy busy week post-vacation I really need this weekend! Finally got all caught up yesterday and my desk is pretty clear. Hopefully it stays that way today, I'm feeling the weekend bug coming on early and don't feel like working! HEE HEE HEE
I did find two shirts last night at WalMart and I like them. I was totally amazed at the size though! Both shirts are a 16!
They fit nice and I think I actually look kinda cute in them!
Poor K.....that sucks but it's a good thing that she is getting out there anyways and being active. I did all kinds of sports growing up and now am glad I did. I was always the biggest girl on the team and you know how that can be
but I think that's the reason why I'm not totally hiding in the closet all the time and do get out and do stuff. OOOHHHH Can I come jump on the trampoline too?????
I'm not afraid I'd pull all the springs out now and break the trampoline! LOL
I second that about Mo....hope you are feeling better. Finally got to glance at a few posts last night. Stones suck and I really hope you are doing OK. Let me know if you talk to Terry and send her my well wishes for McMom.
Doing great on the protein and vits but the fluids are in the pits. Yesterday I did a little better and actually got in almost 40 ounces of water but it was tough. I did what you suggested and put my water bottles on my desk in front of me and I think that helped. Will do the same thing today. Have a happy day sweetie and talk soon!!!!
PS....looks like HE will be coming out tonight
as long as everything goes according to his plan and his little one goes to bed on time so he can get out, he'll be meeting me at the bar.
Hugs &

Hey girl -
Yep, I've got that weekend bug, too! Actually, it'll be a long weekend for me because I took off on Monday. Hopefully, Mom & I will be able to do something together, but lately, every time I've taken off, I've been sick or KB has been sick.
Of course you'll look amazingly cute in those shirts!!! I wouldn't expect anything else of you!!
You can have my turn on the trampoline. It's too much like elementary school gym class, which was always pure torture for me. K's much braver than I, I never would've played softball as an overweight child. Although in hindsight, somebody should probably have forced me to. I don't have a lot of hand eye coordination though, so I always enjoyed soccer better.
Keep working on tha****er - I don't know how long your commute is, but during my 30-45 minute commute, I chug as much water as I can - most mornings, I do my 24 oz. coffee and about 30-40 oz. of water. Of course, if I get stuck in traffic, it's not exactly pretty, and I usually have to race to the potty as soon as I get to work, but it's an easy way to get in my fluids.
I hope HE pays close attention tonight. If not, he's a doofus. Have a good time, be bad, but be careful. I expect full details in a later email! You know me, gotta live vicariously!!!
Have a good day and be on the lookout for a pm!!!!!
Who me?????? Be bad?????? HEH HEH HEH
LOL Yeah, HE had better pay attention!!!!!!!! I'm counting on it!
BUT if he doesnt't then I know and I keep it at the email and IM level it's been at.
I stop in the AM and get my 12 oz. coffee and can almost fini**** by the time I get to work. I have a 45 minute to 1 hour commute. Then of course I can't drink anything for 1/2 hour because I eat my breakfast here (normally oatmeal), then it's another 1/2 hour before I can drink again. I just can't eat when I get up, too early for me. I'm working on it! I can feel the difference when I don't get enough fluids in me. My back and kidneys SCREAM!
That's nice you have a long weekend. I love those! I was thinking of taking a long weekend myself the first weekend in May. My family and I are going to Ohio to surprise my sister for her birthday. I was planning on leaving work early that Friday and driving back home on Sunday but it would be nice to have that extra day with my family. Since I just took a week off I don't know how happy my boss would be about that so I'll just have to play it by ear and see.

Hi Tia,
Well, today has started off with a real bang! Its a crazy time getting this after prom stuff together. The chairperson is really not organized & is afraid to make a decision without talking to EVERYONE else. At this stage its too late for unanimous decisions. We need to get things done. But I will stick with my part and stay in my lane. As long as my lane is covered I'll be happy.
My hubby really upset me last night. Yes, I am whining about it this morning. Sorry...Stehanie has a stomach bug (and is really worried about prom). In spite of that she has several errands to run this afternoon for prom (nails, dress from cleaners, pick up donations for party left at school). This means she needs the car. Well, I also needed a car today. I was supposed to go with this years newsletter chairperson to learn how to get the supplies and take the newsletter to the print shop. I asked my husband if he could take the train to work today. He acted like it was such an inconvenience. We have a baseball game and dinner to attend tonight and taking the train would have meant that he would be late for dinner. The dinner is free (through my work) and there will be plenty of food around all evening. So he was whining about how difficult it would be to get home on time. I called the lady I was supposed to meet and told her I couldn't do it. I explained to Art that this was very important to me and that this was my only chance to get some "on-the-job" training for when i take over in the summer. Then my husband decides that he is feeling guilty and says he will do it. Well, by then it's too late. I should not have had to go into extensive detail and beg him to allow me to use a car!!! He said that it was so last minute. I told him it was last minute for me too, I had only found out about 4 hours earlier that the lady wanted me to go with her. He can really be stubborn sometimes. I really hate it when he acts like the life events in our house are such an inconvenience to him. He very rarely has to make any changes to his schedule to help run errands or taxi kids here and there, etc. He was upset when I got off work because he had to take Meghan to practice last night because Stephanie was sick and I had to go to the grocery store. Heaven forbid he have to help parent our kids.
I am still upset this morning. Men!!! And then one of my guys is being a real baby about his trip to NYC today. I have very little patience today for men who want to be coddled and waited on hand & foot!
Sorry about my rampage. Its just so frustrating sometimes. I will get over it soon. On top of all this my eating is still out of control. I am eating things that I should not eat, things I KNOW will make me sick but I still eat them. I think it's stress eating. And I haven't been able to get to the gym like I want so that isn't helping me any.
Okay, enough whining! It's Friday and it's going to be a great weekend. The sun is shining, the temperature is warming up. WOOHOO! Just pray that Stephanie gets better and can enjoy her Prom!
Thanks for letting me vent.
Hugs, Robin
ROBIN??!! WHEN DID YOU MARRY MY FATHER???!!!!! OMG!! MEN!!! It's a terrible shame that we have to ask them to help in running the house and helping with the family, isn't it? You bad, bad girl! Sorry, thought I'd add some levity to your obviously frustrating morning!! I know a lot of men, including my brother, who take on most, if not all of the responsibilities at home, but come on - how many hats do women usually wear in one day!! Wife, mother, sister, employee/employer, guidance counselor, teacher, doctor, etc. - we do it all! And, we don't expect anything in return most times! I feel your frustration and I'm sorry you had to inconvenience him. You're right, too, you don't want to have to guilt them into doing something, nor should you have to. Whenever we ask my Dad to do something, his response is usually a pause, then a deep, dramatic sigh, then he'll grudgingly say, "Okay." BABIES!!
So feel free to whine all you want - you know with it's protein count, we have plenty of cheese on this board. That's why we're friends!!!!
I know you'll be so glad once the after-prom party is over - it's a shame the chairperson couldn't get it together - I LOVE doing stuff like that!!
I'm sure Steph will enjoy her prom no matter what, but I certainly hope she feels better. Push the liquids on her, she doesn't need to be passing out from stress and dehydration! Make sure you take pictures!!
Keep your eating or overeating in perspective - although you're eating bad things and you know you shouldn't - I bet the quantity is nothing compared to what you used to be able to do. In our society, food is a comfort and we use it to handle all types of emotions. Like my therapist said, it's hard to erase so many years of being overweight instantly. So hang in there and don't beat yourself up - you've got to much to do!
Have a good rest of the day, and tell your baby at work that if he needs a secretary to go to NYC in his place, I am so there!!
It just gets better...my baby at work wants transcripts. So I am working on one but it isn't available through our usual channels. I explain to him via email that I am working on it. He replys back to try another source. I told him we don't use them anymore. So he replys back with "I just want the transcript and don't care how you get it. Enough said." THE NERVE!!! Oh he had me so mad. He did not have to say it that way. And "enough said", I am not his child that he should think he can talk to me that way. OOOOOO. I hate when he does that. I am probably being overly sensitive since my husband was being a baby last night. But still, I feel he could have worded it differently.
I think I need a therapist. Seriously!! You're right, I don't eat nearly as much as I used to but I don't want to work my way back to that either. Thanks for the encouragement. It does help to remember how far we have come. Positive thoughts!
We are going to an Orioles game tonight. A broker from work provided tickets. We are in a suite. Dinner and drinks are included. Should be lots of fun. Maybe it'll help me to relax and get work off of my mind.
I am heading to the gym in about 45 minutes. I have got to get in another day of exercise this week. Enjoy your weekend.
Well, maybe if you twitch your nose or fold your arms and blink, it'll happen! JERKK!!! You'd think that in today's world of harassment complaints, people would be more considerate of how they speak to others, but evidently not!
If you're serious about needing a therapist, I see a great one! Really! She hears as much about my struggles with work and men as she does about my weight!! She's a wls survivor herself, so she's in tune with our issues!!!
Ohhh, a luxury suite - have a good time - try NOT to let these other things creep into your mind while you're there!!!
Have a good weekend!!