Good Morning! Unofficial Outing!

(deactivated member)
on 4/19/07 12:05 am - Middle River, MD
Hey everyone - Hope all is well - it's Friday Eve!! WOO-HOO!! I hate to admit this, but I'm doing the rain dance. K has softball practice tonight and I am sooo tired I don't wanna go!!! Poor thing, she'll be so upset if she misses again, but I won't be. Bad, bad Tia!!! Anyway, everything's fine here - quiet anyway, which can be scary!! My "friend" seems to be going away, hopefully, the next visit will be NEVER!! Now, I know Heather Mod-e is planning the next outing for May 19 or 20, but on Sunday, May 6, she and I and some other friends are getting together at Tully's Restaurant on Belair Road in Fullerton (near Overlea/Perry Hall/White Marsh), right off of 695 to hear a friend of mine play in an acoustic band called Local Traffic. They play all sorts of popular music and are really good - PLUS, they are total EYE CANDY! Anyway, if you'd like to join us, you can just come and listen or do that and eat and/or drink (but never together!), we're going to meet at about 6:30 p.m. (they play from 7-11). Since the next day is a work day, I really don't know that I'll stay until 11, but who knows. Oh, did I mention that they, particularly Bill, are complete EYE CANDY? Hmm, I didn't? So unofficially, come on out and help me support Acoustic Bill and Acoustic Don!! We'll have a blast like always! Have a great day, Tia
Cira S.
on 4/19/07 5:57 am - Charles Town , WV
Hey Tia, I have been wondering where have you been of late. Glad to hear fr0om you. By the way thanks for sending your friend over to my house. Ughhh I really hate when she comes to visit. Sounds like make sure to take a lot of pictures I would love to see. Have fun! Hugs, Cira
(deactivated member)
on 4/19/07 6:04 am - Middle River, MD
Hi Cira - Been thinking about you a lot, hope you're doing better. I was sick and off of work all during the week after Easter - the friend from hell, and then I had a sinus/upper respiratory infection on top of that. The friend is still here, so it must be another friend visiting you. My particular friend is hurtling me down the road toward a partial hysterectomy, but I'm trying to hold off until next February, when I can have my plastics done at the same time. We'll see..... So how's the recovery? Eating? Drinking? Please take care of yourself and know that even if you don't "see" me, I'm here if you need me! Tia
Cira S.
on 4/19/07 6:25 am - Charles Town , WV
Hey lady, I am sorry you was sick. I should have called you but I didn't want to bother you. I hope you are feeling better. I am sorry about that nasty friend of yours. The nerve of her to overwelcome her stay! This is my second cycle since surgery and man the meanest of them all. I hate what this extra estrogen is doing to me. lol I hope you can wait that long so you don't have to have different procedures done at different times. Wishing you all the best sweetie. Recovery is going good. I am doing a lot better but man oh man did I experience dumping and stuck food once each. I don't ever want to do that again!!! I was miserable on Monday evening with the stuck food and it lasted for 1 1/2 hours by then I thought of having a little warm chicken broth had a few sips and felt that food go down. I was crying, pacing back and forth, and kicking myself in the butt a few times and I even called my husband at work. Poor guy got so worried but luckily I was not a lone with the kids. I nearly had a panic attack. lol My pouch was sore for the next day. It felt queezy everytime I tried to eat so I stood with soft foods and liquids only. I am doing a little better with the drinking. Sometimes I have to push myself so bad because I could see my urine getting very dark. I am happy that I can tolerate shrimp very well, fish, chicken, as for eggs for some reason I can't. They don't get me sick it I just get a weird feeling when I am swallowing it so I give up quickly. lol I am too scared to get sick. By the way I went to DVR's support meeting yesterday. I had a nice time there. There was a plastic surgeon as a speaker. Barry who had surgery spoke for a while until the speaker arrived. The presentation did not work but he did great talking, explaining everything and answering lots of questions. I really liked him. I also met Gail (from the MD board DVR's patient) there and she is a sweetheart. I can't wait until she comes to one of our gatherings. I was really hoping to see you there. Maybe next time. Big hugs to you sweetie, Cira
(deactivated member)
on 4/19/07 6:50 am - Middle River, MD
Cira - Sorry to say, but my friend has actually been a problem since about a week post-op. DVR and my gyn said it's from all the estrogen released in the fat cells when we lose weight, so my gyn put me on the Depo-Provera shot every 2 months instead of 3. When that didn't work, he prescribed Provera, oral hormones. So I'm a hormonal mess. Getting the shot every 2 seemed to be helping until Easter night, when it came with a vengeance. I was afraid I was going to become anemic again, so I did call my gyn again, got some more Provera, and starting taking iron supplements. After a tranfusion and iron infusion, my numbers improved dramatically and I'd hoped that that would be the end of the problem. My gyn said we can get more of my plastics covered if he does an open hysterectomy at the same time, and since I don't want to wear compression garments in the summer, and love Christmas too much to want to be miserable, MY plan is to have everything done next February. I figure if the weather's gonna be nasty, I might as well be home. Not really sure I've convinced my body to wait, so who knows.... I'm glad you're adjusting to this new lifestyle - it takes a while, but is so worth it. I really wanted to come to the support group last night, but K had a science fair that I needed to be at. In fact, I was supposed to speak at an info session on Monday for them, but was too sick, so I had to cancel. I've spoken at a couple info sessions, which is amazing, because I never would've done that pre-op!!! I would've worn dark colors and blended in!!! As far as dumping and stuck food - I'd much rather have to deal with dumping. While it's uncomfortable, it's virtually painless, as opposed to stuck food! Oh, you poor thing!! I know how miserable that is, but it also teaches us a valuable lesson!!! I eat a lot of shrimp - I peel it, sautee it in a little olive oil and Old Bay - you can eat it warm, or chill it and either put it in salad or make shrimp salad. Just don't overcook it, because then it can be rubbery. I had a problem with eggs for a long time - especially scrambled eggs - I think it was the "pebbly texture." Next time you want scrambled eggs, try putting salsa (lubricant) on top - it really does help. You could also put marinara on them and ricotta inside, like an omelet. Just get creative - it'll help! Yes, drink tha****er - dark pee is a no-no - don't make me tell you again! If it's any consolation, although you have to sip now, it won't always be that way. OMG! If it was, there'd be no way I could drink 140-200 ounces a day!!!! Okay, sweetie, hang in there!! I'll take some pictures of the eye candy for you!!! Tia
Aime B.
on 4/19/07 8:00 pm - Baltimore, MD
I love Eye Candy- whoops local music.
(deactivated member)
on 4/19/07 10:03 pm - Middle River, MD
Yep, it's like a 2 for 1!!!! So does that mean you wanna join us??? Tia
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