I finally got to talk to my NUT about the recommendations from the Endocrinologists. She basically untwisted my brain cells regarding what to eat and what not to eat.
Oxalates are known to cause problems with kidney stones. She thought I was having a problem with them. I explained to her I wasn't. She told me not to worry about it then. I don't consume enough oxalate in my day to day diet for it to be of a major concern. I did read in the pamphlett that more fluids are recommended. Maybe that is one of the reasons this doctor is concerned about WL patients having kidney stone issues.
So- I can continue my protein shakes. I am still supposed to eat protein with each meal. I am following the program well according to her.
I guess I won't add boiled beetroot or rhubarb to my list of foods anytime soon- Didn't expect to eat them anyway.
I am hoping to get some dietary guidance on the kidney stones when I go to the urologist next week, but he's going to have to understand that I also have dietary needs that have to be met with supplements because I am not able to get all my nutrients from food. I am pretty good with my fluids, but I might need to try a bit harder on that scale .. OR .. .. I'm just going to live with recurring stones.
Hugs, Mo