Savage Mill Outing!!!!!
Hey everyone!!!!
I know I've been MIA but with coming from a VERY VERY relaxing vacation back to the swamped desk at work....haven't had time for much of anything!
Better today and should be pretty much back to 'normal'
tomorrow some time! My Twin has informed me that I had better put up something about the Savage Mill here goes!
May 19th at Savage Mill for browsing and lunch. I was thinking we could all meet at 10 AM and take it from there. Let me know who is interested and I'll post an update in a week or so.
Then I can post where we can meet as they have two parking lots. I'm thinking the main entrance of the original mill. Always a good place to start. If you want you can go to and see more about it. BTW the Ram's Head Tavern
is located there, they have good food, so maybe a good place for lunch. I'll call to see if I need to make a reservation. There is also a French Pastry store which I will hide from LOL
Anyways, hope all is well with everyone....I haven't even had a chance to read any I know I have a lot to catch up on!!!!!
PS....was also thinking of the 20th if that works better for more people....just give me a head count and we'll go with the majority.
Hugs &

Nancy -
On behalf of Evil Heather #1 or #2, depending upon which one the OTHER EVIL HEATHER wants to be, I say WELCOME! Yes, by all means, please do join us!
We are always open to having our brains picked! We have lots to say, most of which is wls related - although not all!!
We have such a good time when we're together - both on and off the boards, and there's always room for more friends!!!
Take care,
Teresa (Tia)