got some news today....
evening everyone. i got my blood work results from my pcp today in the mail. it was a little disturbing to me. my liver functions came back abnormal. says it is to high. not sure what that means but my mom said that is how her illness started. she is suffering from cirrosis of the liver. she has never drank. it is from all the medications she has been on through the years. my pcp wants to retest in 1 month. however my cholestrol was good along with my HDL and triglycerides but my LDL was high need to cut down on fatty foods. which i already have done. diabetic screening is now showing borderline. i just hope my liver functions don't mess me up for surgery. don't know what to do to bring it down. anyone have any suggestions. went to the gastro today and got those procedures scheduled for may. stress test is this thursday. well i have typed enough
bored y'all enough for one evening. have a great remainder of the week.

I have to agree with Aime. If it was too serious they would have you retesting that day and off to specialists.
Remember, you are doing all this to help get rid of these health issues. So, take it one step at a time and just follow your Dr's and Surgeons instructions. It will all work out in the end.
Keep your spirits up. Each one of these tests, gets you closer to your goal...even if you have to re-do a couple!