Happy Hump Day Everybody!
Happy Hump Day Everybody!
How is everyone? I'm doing pretty good...still just busy, busy, busy. I'll be much less busy once I get done the preparations for my sister moving in and get through the retreat weekend that I"m volunteering on May 3rd-6th. Then I'll be running around getting ready for surgery...hey, I should look on the bright side - I'll be able to relax and rest-up after my LBL on May 23rd!
I hope everyone is doing well with eating/fluids/supplements/protein and exercise. I'm doing well on all but organized exercise. Although not doing formal exercise, I'm not sitting on the couch like a potato either. I'm constantly moving/doing from the time I get home until I go to bed. McMom is doing well after her surgery. She still has the drain, but is hoping to get it out on Friday.
Well I've got to run...darn job, gets the in the way of life! hehehe
Have a wonderful day!
Take Care,

Hi Terry,
I have a few minutes here before the day gets off to a full run...
Good morning! It looks like the weather is going to get better over the next couple of days. Believe me, when it does I will throughly enjoy it. I am so looking forward to warmer, SUNNIER days.
The next month or so will fly by for you before your surgery. I am sure you are looking forward to getting this part of your wls journey done. I know it'll be great for you. I hope that McMom recovers fully with no complications this time around. Let her know I am thinking about and praying for her.
I am not sure how the after prom party is going to go. Only 18 tickets have sold so far. The prom ticket sales were down this year too. We need to sell 180 tickets today just to pay for the sports club we are having it at. I am not investing any money until we know for sure that this thing is going to happen. I hope it does because a lot of work has been put into it so far.
Well, I am going to get working now. Hopefully today I won't feel like I am spinning my wheels and going nowhere. It was that kind of day yesterday.
Have a great day. Hugs, Robin

Hey Rob -
I pm'd you in response to your pm!!!! You know, people are notorious for waiting until the last minute for responding to things, so hopefully attendance will pick up dramatically! If not, and there can't be a party, the kids have no one but themselves to blame!!!
Ah, yes, warm weather - I've got a pedicure scheduled for Sunday a.m. to get my piggies sandblasted!!! Can't wait - although I have a MAJOR problem with spending $40 on myself!!!
Hope you have a great day! Missed ya!!
Hey Girl -
Oh, I've been such a bad Tia! I've been wanting to call McMom and check on her, but I've been sick since Easter weekend, and today's my first day back to work. No excuse, though, I should've been a better McDaughter and checked on her. I'll try to get in touch with you sometime today - in the office by myself and these people just don't understand that I have a personal life!!!!
The period from hell reared its ugly head on Easter (think Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1000!), and I finally had to get it under control with oral hormones - gee, just what I need, more hormones!!! Then, everyone who had Good Friday dinner with us got sick with a nasty sinus/upper respiratory infection. I didn't know the human body could hold that much mucus!!!! ICK!! I still have that 5 pack a day cough, but it seems to be getting better.
Eating was yuck while I was sick, but I did get in all my fluids, protein, vits - not the amount I normally would, but at least the minimum. Exercise? Well, one would have to speak with my loving brother, who STILL hasn't had time to finish putting my treadmill together! In his defense, though, he's been sick, too, and is still off of work!
Glad everything is going well with McSweetie - can't wait to meet him!! K has a science fair tonight, so I'll be at that - we've been exploring whether a cheaper brand of modeling clay dries out faster than a more expensive model. God, I LOVE the smell of PLAY-DOH!!!! Tomorrow is softball practice, I have them Friday night while my brother gets a haircut, Saturday a.m. is opening/picture day for softball, then we have a bday party for my cousin's little boy, and Sunday a.m. I'm getting a pedicure (I STILL don't like spending that kind of money on myself!), and then I have a bday party to attend!! Somewhere in there, I need to have an eye exam and get new contacts and glasses - I've noticed a dramatic difference since wls - although it could be the fact that I'm now 40!!!! I've also got a boatload of typing to do - not my top priority, but a priority nonetheless!!
I've missed so much not being on the boards - I think my computer's dying a slow death, each time I tried to log on last week, it shut down. GRRR!
Glad all is well with you - please give McMom my best and I hope that drain comes out on Friday!!
Ouchie, I'm sorry to hear you were a sick. I'm glad to see you posted, I was going to call you again today. I say "again" because I noticed a conspicuous absence on the boards and I called your office and they said you weren't in the office yesterday. I got busy and never got the chance to call you at home.
Gee, with all that going on, it looks like you don't have time be sick. Glad to hear you did okay on the fluids/supplements and protein. Maybe you need to give the computer some supplements/protein...hehe!
Take Care,