Anyone subscribe to OH Mag?
Does anyone out there subscribe to OH magazine and keep the issues? I am looking to borrow the last three issues (2007 -1, 2006 - 6 and 2006 - 5).
I will pick them up or pay mailing to get them here and I will return them within a week of getting them. I am just interested in one article in each.
I have only gotten one issue, but I really like it. I will admit though that it is geared a little more towards the women. But since we men are still the small minority that go through this procedure it is understandable.
Lots of inspiration and plain advice that works well though.
Unfortunately, my first issue (2007 - 1) got tossed with a pile of other magazines. So I am hunting for that one and the two previous issues.
Oh well...I might check if Sinai subscribes and see if I can borrow their copy.