The stones ... continued ....

Hi Mo,
I am sorry you are going through a tough time with kidney stones. Yikes~! I hope and pray you get better soon. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
I had no idea you was sick since I had only checked the board early in the day.
I can't stand when you call a doctor's office you have a dire situation that needs attention immediately and they try to push you off for 4 weeks. I would have gone right through the phone to choke her myself.
Please take very good care of yourself and make yourself some home made chicken soup that always seem to be easy for the pouch and it will make you feel a little better.
Big hugs to you
I feel so bad for you Mo! Hang in there, and ask them to put you on a waiting list in case anyone else cancels. I can't stand the thought of a 2 or 4 week wait. Unreal!! That's the way it's in Calvert too. Unbelievable on the waiting time to get anything medical done. Hope today is better in your saga of "As the Stone turns!". Big hugs.

I will never forget when my ex had stones. I think that is the only time I saw that man near tears. It seemed to take forever for anyone to respond. Eventually, he passed the stone. I have never seen such nasty looking stuff. He too had problems seeing a doctor. In fact, he walked out of the ER.
You might want to lay off the gym until you are feeling better. Maybe try walking. I am not sure you should operate machinery on lortabs.
Please feel better, and if I can do anything at all let me know.