Kidney stone update ....
Hi Mo, I know all too well what you are going through. Although mine were 4 1/2 months into my pregnancy. THey rushed me to Labor & Delivery as they thought I wa sin pre term labor. The pain when they move and obstruct a ureter is more than any hard labor childbirth. I have had 2 kids, so I know labor too... it's a piece of cake compared to moving stones. Water is the key. Cranberry juice is ok, but the urologists nowadays say flushing with water is the best. I was treated by the head or urology at Univ of Md Baltimore. Dr. Phelan. They are wonderful there if you need to chose a urologist, I highly recommend them. If the stones are large, a lithotripsy is a procedure that shatters them into "grains of sand" like matter.
Good Luck!
Hi Kelly
I loved the ER doc's description of hearing that kidney stones were more painful that labor (as if HE would know
Thanks for the suggestion on the urologist. I did get an appointment for the 26th (after they wanted to push me to May 15th) in Glen Burnie with Anne Arundel Urology. I had hoped to see someone in Annapolis, but I'll take GB if I have to to get in sooner than May.
The obstructing stone is about 2 mm so it's not completely obstructing and may actually have moved some. The lortab is managing the pain, but I'm pushing it to see how much discomfort I can bear before I take a pill.
Hugs, Mo