Just wanted to know???
The full "sensation" where do you feel this after surgery? I still get a full sensation in my stomach, as before surgery. However some people say they feel the full sensation in the chest?? Is this true for any of you?? I'm just curious? One feeling that I've gotten in my chest is slight pain, if I have eaten too fast? and my new pouch wants to reject the food, because I ate too fast?? 2nd question? Adv. Post. ops- will we have to just sip water forever? will I ever be able to just chug down water again??
Medium sized gulps might be the word. If I swallow too fast or too big (this doesn't sound too lady like, but you know what I mean!!), it's an uncomfortable feeling. I've had the full feeling both ways. I think it was pretty soon after the surgery when I was able to register that I was full. Also another sign was sneezing. If I started to sneeze, I knew I was done eating. If I pushed my luck, sickness was sure to follow. I still sneeze to this day. Not all the time, but enough to remind me. Good luck on your journey.