anyone know about strictures?
I am still having a bad time eating. I only eat a small amount and then have a very uncomfortable feeling. I am 5 months out and I still eat a basically a soft food diet. I find some foods just too dense. Sometimes I think I just eat too fast, because it doesn't happen every time. Fluids don't bother me, except if I gulp. I'm never nauseous, I just get this discomfort. I've never had a carbonated drink or drank from a straw. I am wondering if I could have a stricture? Anyone ever have one or know anything about them? I see the surgeon next month, I am scared of having a endoscopy, or another surgery .... Any help is appreciated!
Hi Linda,
With a stricture you can not hold the food down because the stoma is too small to let the food pass into the intestine. It would make it even difficult with fluids. I think you need to chew a lot and put your spoon or spoon down talk or even read and then a couple of minutes late eat another bite. Before surgery we were so used to wooffing our food down that we forget we have to eat very slow now. When I catch myself eating fast I get that uncomfortable feeling in the middle of my chest.
If you was to get another endoscopy to make sure if you have a stricture suring that same procedure your doctor will dilate the stoma. So there wouldn't be another surgery involved.
I hope you get to feeling ebtter soon.
By the way if I take a big gulp I hold the fluid in my mouth and drink it by making like 5 small swallows. I hope this helps some.

I had my surgery at PRMC in Salisbury. When I needed follow up for the stricture I went back there. It is done as an outpatient procedure (similar to a colonoscopy). The first time they could not sedate me (because my blood pressure was too low), but each of the subsequent times, believe me .. I was out and I don't remember anything about it!!!
My doctor explained to me that it wasn't unusual to need the procedure 3 times. He did tell me that he wouldn't keep sending me for dilation indefinitely though and if I needed another dilation it might mean that I needed a revision to the upper part of my surgery (where the esophagus connects to the pouch). I had an ulcer that developed from the original surgery/healing and that is what caused the stricture.
Have you ever had a colonoscopy? An endo is very much the same, just from the other end!
Hugs, Mo