Good Morning Everybody!

on 4/11/07 9:34 pm - Losinsum, MD
Good Morning Everybody! I apologize in advance for the length of this post. How is everyone today? I've been out of touch lately. Life has kicked into hyper-drive the past week or so. I've not been able to read the boards at work or at home because of all the busy-ness. I found out this past week that my sister sold her house (that's a good thing). She's moving in with us while waiting for her new house to be built (that's not a bad thing). I'm preparing for plastic surgery (LBL) on May 23rd and I've been trying to get everything prepared and also been writing/submitting an appeal of the thigh lift procedure that they denied. I've also been very busy getting ready for the retreat weekend that I'm working on. In fact there are two retreats. One this weekend which is kind of a "dry run" and the actual retreat (Thurs-Sun) the first week in May. Well my sister informs me last weekend (after I got my Mom home and settled from her surgery and went to pickup the recliner that I bought for when I'm home recuperating) that she'll be moving in on April 22nd. Okay, no problem it's just that I have a spare bedroom that she'll be using that is like the bermuda triangle and I thought I had until mid-may (after the retreat stuff was done) to clean it out. Now suddenly I have two weekends, one which is totally taken up by the dry run and the second which is taken up by meetings both Friday night and all day Saturday. Throw in the fact that I have a long-planned date with McSweetie on that Sat evening and a good friend's BD party and then the busy stuff going on here at work and other aspects of my head is spinning just putting this all into words. McMom had surgery last Friday and everything is going well. She's recuperating nicely. She's a little more tender this time, but the Dr. said it's because she put some liquid in the implant so that's putting some tension on the muscles/skin in the area that hasn't been there. So what's up in your world? How goes the eating/fluids/supplements/protein and the big "E"? I'm doing well on all counts except the formal exercise. I'm constantly moving and doing something and I fall into bed at night, but I just can't get into a routine with working out. With my upcoming LBL next month, I'm not too worried about it. I figure I'll recuperate from surgery and then start over. It'll probably be easier and less painful to work out after having the LBL anyway. I've noticed many newbies who are researching or awaiting surgery. I just wanted to encourage you not to get down or discouraged. This surgery and the changes in my life since the surgery are wonderful! Just do whatever you have to do to get your insurance approval. Post if you have questions, that's what we're here for - to support one another. We're all in this boat together. The support on this board and the friendships I've made are great! Well, I'm not sure when I'm going to get to post again, but I want you all to know that I'm thinking about you. Have a wonderful day! Take Care, Terry
Aime B.
on 4/11/07 9:51 pm - Baltimore, MD
Wow, Terry! You are so busy lately. Sounds like you are getting the big "E" in anyway to me. I'm so glad your mother is doing well after her surgery. Have you considered telling you sister that she needs to come help you get the room together or that you just can't manage to have everything prepared for her by 4/22? No matter how much we want to be there for people we love, sometimes we have to love ourselves more and say No. I'm just as quilty of this crime to myself as anyone else. Thanks for the compliment on my new do. Aime
on 4/11/07 10:07 pm - Losinsum, MD
I hear you Aime. As I've gotten older, I've gotten to the point where I've gotten pretty good at saying "no" if it will mean too much conflict for me or if it's something I'd really rather not do. In this case, I knew this was coming, it's just the last minute rush that I wasn't counting on that's throwing me. I haven't asked her to help me with the room because she's busy doing stuff on her end to prepare for the move. It's okay, I work pretty well under pressure - I just needed to vent somewhere and you all on this board were the lucky recipients..hehe. Take Care, Terry
(deactivated member)
on 4/11/07 10:04 pm - Crofton, MD
Good Morning Terry Wow I got the head spinning just reading our post . You have been a busy lady. But that can be good excercise. Glad your mom's surgery went well and I bet you are excited about your surgery. That seems like he final step in this wonderful journey we were given. Hope everything goes well with your sister. I'm sure she will help ou clean the room she is using since you have weekend plans already that you cant break. Well I hope you have agreat day and weekend and take care
on 4/11/07 10:10 pm - Anne Arundel County, MD
Terry!!! Wow, I'd never be able to keep up with your schedule! I'm busy but not nearly as busy as you are. I'm home with a kidney stone. I totally missed any symptoms until it hit me at the office yesterday a.m. I was in so much pain that I couldn't even keep water in me. I was throwing up everything. After I saw traces of blood in my urine, I knew I needed to call the doctor. They told me to come in at 2:55 and I got there about 2:45 .. well almost 2 full hours later I finally saw the doctor. He gave me a script for lortab (which I was taking every 4 hours all night long ... and waiting for that 4th hour to pass was rough) and sent me for a CT scan. Mr Mo had come right to the doc's office from work so he was waiting when I came out. That was such a relief to see him. We went and picked up my scripts and called AA Diagnostic and was able to get in last night for the CT scan. I am pushing the time on the lortab this time. Almost 6 hours (the dosage is 1 to 2 pills every 4 to 6 hours) this time around. I'm getting uncomfortable so I know it's time. I'm on my 3rd bottle of water since last night without throwing up. Anyway, no gym for me today with this but I'll be back to it soon as I can! Hugs, Mo
on 4/11/07 10:36 pm - Losinsum, MD
Oh no Mo! I'm sorry to hear about the kidney stone...yucky poo. Are they going to blast it? I know they usually like to see it pass on its own before intervening, but how much pain do they expect a person to take? Hope you feel better soon Hugs, Terry
on 4/12/07 12:39 am - Lusby, MD
Sorry you're having to deal with this. Kidney stones are a great fear of mine. They sound so painful. Hopefully, the Doc can help with the pain, or you can pass them real quick. Take it easy. TraciL
on 4/12/07 7:51 am - Elkridge, MD
Hey Mo, Sorry to hear about the kidney stone. How does one avoid getting them? I hope you feel better soon. Wanda
on 4/12/07 7:49 am - Elkridge, MD
Hi Terry, You are a busy girl. I am excited for your upcoming surgery. Postive thoughts. Wanda
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