a little update.
went to the foot dr today and will be having surgery on both my feet sometime in may. need to have 4 toes straightened because i have hammertoes that are painful when i walk. i figured i would get this done before my wls . that surgery could take up to 6 mths. will probably be laid up for a few weeks. i have already had 2 of my toes done about 8 years ago or longer. so i already know what to expect. not fun having pins that look like fish hooks sticking out of the ends of your toes. i also went and got my blood work done except the blood gas. wow thay take alot of tubes don't they. plus my pcp ordered my regular 3 mth blood work. scheduled my sleep study, vascular,ultra sound and x-rays, my gastro, stress test, and echo. i have them all scheduled for this month and one for may. the only thing now is to find a psychologist who will take my insurance. my dr tried to order the smoking patches but they aren't covered either. so i will be calling my health dept. tomorrow to see what they can offer me. well just thought i would update you all on my progress with all these tests i have to have done. have a good night and the rest of the week also.

Tammy wow foot surgery. That sounds painful but atleast you know what to expect. Thats good to get that done before your wls. So many tests you have to have. But that is a good thing they go so in depth with it. Your health dept will hopeully ge something for you to help with smoking. It is hard but you can do it. Have you looked at the Nicorette patches or gum or any of hat stuff. I'm not sure the cost of it but it may be cheaper then what your doc is prescribing for you. The commercials for it make it seem like it's working but then again it is trying to sell a product. Try going to the smoking website and see if there are testimonials on what others have done to help quit. I know phillip morris has a quiting section and support groups and stuff. I wish you the best and were here for you. Oh I wanted to tell you also I recieved your check today for the picnic.
Tammy, my feet are aching just reading about what you have to look forward to. I think it's a great plan getting it done before WLS. Afterwards, your going to need your feet in tip-top working order. Best of luck with this. When you call the Health Department, ask them if they have a psychologist that can see you reference WLS approval. I went through our local one. Not a long wait, quick and painless. It was about $100 out of pocket, but very worth it. Good luck on the smoking. My hubby used the patches (otc). He only got 1/2 way through the 2nd step, when he decided to do it on his own. They really made him sick in the AM, but I know it doesn't affect everyone this way. He's been smoke free for 11 years. I'm so proud of him. Keep us updated.