Cookbook is AMAZING!!!
How do I say
for all the incredible support that I have received from you all!!! I can't believe this...but I sold my first 300 cookbooks!!!! No formal advertising. No real marketing or selling. Just word of mouth and more word of mouth. Just recently, I ordered my second printing of books. This time, they will have a formal ISBN number. This means that I will be able to really market them. Now I have to learn how to truly market this book. I do have little website that the hospital put together...but now, I need to really get moving on it. The website is: . I have also been doing several speaking engagements and most recently, I have been asked to become a faciliator for a local support group through the hospital. Needless to say, surgery has been a very positive endeavor in so many ways. I still struggle with the issues of body image..and I am forever worried that I am eating too much...or the wrong thing...but, I am learning. As an aside, I went to Walmart today to buy a pair of pants (the cheap $10.00 ones). Just for the fun of it, I tried on a pair... Fit quite well, but just couldn't buy them..head issues. I could fit in and close...and breathe in a size 30. I don't ever remember being in a size 30. Down from a 56/58... I was amazed...

That is awsome. Way to go! I struggle with thinking I am eating to much and the wrong stuff all the time. I am only 7 1/2 months out but my life has changed so much. I can't believe it. I will have to check out your site. I am not online alot but go to the crofton support group and will be at the picnic too and I am always looking for recipees. Thanks for making a cookbook.It sounds great.
Love Laurie
Way to go with the pants. Even if you did not buy them, just seeing that 30 must be incredible.
As for the cookbook, I bought a copy at a Sinai support group meeting about 3 months pre-op. Forget the surgery...we (my wife and I) have been using it ever since. It is one of the best investments I have made during this whole process. And now that I am post-op, I am anxious to get off the pureed stuff and back to the recipies in the book.
I can't wait for the holiday edition! No pressure, but do you think it will be out for holidays?
Not sure how, but if you need any help marketing your book, please let me know.
Keep up the outstanding work!