Me Again
Hi, everyone it's me again....I'm feeling pretty good. Walking and getting in as much liquids as possible. I feel full but I'm doing the best I can. Feeling pretty tired after walking around. Having a hard time finding a comfortable position sleeping. First night home I slept on the couch and that was horrible, last night I tried my bed a bit more comfortable but still not what I would have liked. So far the hospital bed has been the best! I'm going to my parents house tomorrow to stay for a few nights, planning to sleep in a recliner and hoping that will be good. My other issue right now is my acid reflux, it wasn't so bad before surgery but now every time I lay down it seems like I get acid reflux. My doctor prescribed Priolsec but I'm hesitant to take it because it's a pill. Anyone else have this problem? Or take Priolsec so soon after surgery? My ex had the same thing and started taking it about a week afterwards. Sorry to be a bother again but I know you all always offer the best advice.
Yes I take Priolsec, the pill is fine, and it will help I took them before surgery, and after too!! Don't worry the sleeping "position" will get better too!! b 4 surgery, I slept on my stomach, right after surgery I could not, but now, just three weeks out, and I can, pretty much?? It just takes time to get adjusted to it "all" Take Care & Good Luck!! jbug

Hi Jaime,
I am almost 5 weeks out and I am doing better now that I came back from the hospital the second time around. I was having burning and acid reflux. My doctor allow me to have Mylanta as needed and I take prevacid solutab each day. I will have to take for 90 days. He is not allowing me to take pills yet. I spoke to his nurse today and he no to pills. But you can open the capsule and mix it in some water and take. All dr's do everything different but I would be careful not to get anything stuck so soon after surgery.
As for sleeping uncomfortable I can totally relate I had 3 weeks of that! I hope you get to sleep better on the recliner at your Mom's house.
You are not a bother and post as many times as you want. We are here for you girl.
One think I forgot to mention was that my doctor told me to drink lots of fluids to help wash out the gastric juices in the pouch.
Big hugs to you and I am glad you are doing better despite the reflux.
Jamie you should get a body pillow. I got one before my surgery because it was suggested to help me sleep better. I was a stomach sleeper before and couldnt after. I was praying that the couch my husband ordered the day after my surgery would be there when I got home (it has 2 recliners in it) so I could sleep that way. But it wasnt. So I had to sleep in my bed. It was ok sleeping on my back but would be so stiff after a few nights of actual long periods of sleep. ( the first couple nights you dont really sleep to long just a hour or two each time, at least thats how I was) So I took the body pillow and rested my stomach on it and got off my hip bone because that stared hurting after a while on my side. But the recliner will help alot for you. I also didnt have acid reflux so I cant answer your pill question. But I did start taking my Birth control after but those pills ae so tiny I guess thats why there was no issue. I am not familiar with the pill size of prilosec. Just call your doc and seems everyone else has good suggestions for you. Hope you get a goodnights sleep when you get to your parents.
Thanks everyone! You guys are really great! I'm going to call my doctor tomorrow morning and double check about the prilosec. She originally wrote me a prescription for the prevacit tabs but Kaiser doesn't fill that prescription so they told me to go with the prilosec. The pill is pretty small so I'm hoping she lets me take it. I'm looking forward to resting better tomorrow at my parents! Thanks again!