New to the scene
swanzetta, welcome to the maryland group. i am just starting the journey and hoping i will be on the losing side very soon. the people on this forum are awesome. ask a question and someone will respond. as they told me, no question is gone unanswered. there is always someone out there to answer them. and no question is to silly. again welcome and good luck as your new life continues. tammy
happy easter.

Welcome to the MD board Swanzetta! We had the same surgeon. I'm two years out and feeling wonderful. Still deal with the food demons, but I have a tremendous ally on my side. I know now that if I follow the rules, the weight is coming off, leading to a healthier, happier ME!! I'm not alone in this fight, and it's a great feeling. Congrats on your decision to be the best that you can be. Please hop right in on the threads, and keep us updated on your journey.