Back from OC!
Had a great time, accomplished some sight-seeing things that I never do during our summer visit, really focused on making the right food choices (except the caramel apple excursions), got lots of pics (on my profile), and froze my butt off!! That's it in a nutshell. Plan to take advantage of the great hotel price again next Spring break. Happy Easter everyone!
Thank you Traci!
Oh man sorry that everything got cancelled. We only got a dusting and by 11:30 am it was already gone. My daughter got all excited for nothing!! lol
I don't have family in MD so it will only be me and the kiddos at home tomorrow. Gino has to work (he works for Verizon) Oh well. We will do an easter egg hunt like we always do every year here at home. This year little Gino will enjoy looking for eggs. Gino leaves to work by 1:30pm so we will have a little time together having fun.
Too bad I can't have any candy this year.

Hi, Looks like you had a great time. We always stay at the same hotel and we love it. We tried Holiday Inns and Suites. That was very nice as well. It looks cold but my thought is its never to cold for a OC day or week. Hope you have a great Easter. I hope to meet you at the Crofton meeting. I am just thinking about the wls surgery.
Pictures were great I love the fish in the pond there.