Crofton Meetings Update
Good Morning and Good Friday everyone
Just wanted to put a post up about our meetings. I was given some feedback about maybe meeting more then once a month at our Crofton Support Group meetings. Well I called the library and they have no problem with that. You are more then welcomed to come to both or if you cant make it to one there is always another that month to come to. In May our Meetings are
Thursday May 3rd from 6-8 p.m.
Tuesday May 29th from 6-8 p.m.
Some months they had extra days but some did not. Hope to see you guys there.
Great Idea Kelly, it gives people more chance to make the meetings and more chance for us to meet everyone. We have created quite a bond I think and the more the better.
Thanks Kelly for making this group possible it has become very important to me and everyone has been such a help with this journey. So glad I found everyone.

I can't wait to see everyone there. Hubby is changing his days off so I can make it to one or 2 of the crofton meetings and DVR support meeting on the 16th.
I am feeling a lot better but still not at 100% I say about 80 % maybe it all depends what day it is. Today is a better day and yesterday was a rough day. I am still in the regret stage but not as bad as before I assure you. lol
I want to wish you a wonderful Easter too. Hubby will be working so it will be me and the little ones here a lone at home.
You should be receiving an envelope soon. Let me know when you get it ok.

Yes Gino is a wonderful man and I am so blessed to have him in my life.
Thank you Kelly I am glad to be feeling better too but I want to be back to my normal self soon. It has been a rough one for sure.
Ok cool. I hope everyone has responded quickly. let me know if you need me to send extra incase we are short until the rest comes in.