I believe Chili and Beans have become my new best friend. It stays hot and gives me protein. Last night we had lean hamburger patties and string beans. Love them both but honey kinda over cooked them hamburger patties -- I told her this afternoon just throw them away. She thinks they were too lean. So I went down to the cafeteria and at first got some chicken salad and then I saw the chili so I opted for the chili. I purchased both though -- one for lunch tomorrow. Looks like chili and chicken salad are working for me. Unfortunately fish and seafood did not like my stomach before surgery and so I'm not going to try and see if they like my stomach after surgery.
I'm about ready to shed my protein drinks; however, I keep a couple here at work as well as at home. Any breakfast ideas -- other than a boiled egg or oatmeal. I don't like cereal that goes whimpy in the milk.
Hey Nadine -
Since surgery, I now have to have my red meat cooked medium, where pre-op, it was med-well. I still don't do chicken, beef or pork well - they have to have lubricant - dressing or salsa, or boy, do they get stuck!!! Chili is my friend, though, and you can always add cheese for more protein. I also use both red and black beans in my chili for added protein. It's always all about protein now, and how I can get the most protein bang for my buck! I find, too, that I have a hard time with compacted foods - burgers, meatloaf, salmon cakes, anything "pressed" together is just too dense for me.
I still do protein shakes, the EAS Advant Edge low carb ready to drink in French Vanilla are good as a coffee creamer, and the chocolate tastes like Yoo-Hoo. I can't stand a thick consistency now - makes me gag!!! I also LOVE Pure Protein bars - the peanut butter deluxe, chocolate deluxe, chewy chocolate chip, etc., are all good. It's also a good idea to keep some in your purse in case you're somewhere that doesn't have smart food choices for you.
You don't need to do breakfast foods for breakfast - any form of protein will do - cheese, lean lunch meat, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs (although at first, they didn't like me unless I put salsa on them), you could make an omelet filled with ricotta cheese and topped with spaghetti sauce and mozzerella, although you won't be able to eat much of it, it is high in protein. Just get creative, and eat what you can when you can. Keep in mind, always, that what you can eat one day, week or month, you may not be able to the next. It's a spin of the roulette wheel sometimes.
But again, just do and eat whatever you can/want to get that protein in!!! Although fish and seafood may not have been your friends before surgery, they may be now. If anything makes you sick, write it down and try it again in a couple of weeks. After 2-3 times, if you're still getting sick, forget that food for a while longer!
HTH & Happy Easter,
Thanks --- I'm familiar with the like this week and don't like it next week wheel. For a few months my partner goes through that even after post-op almost 4 years. Eggs okay this week, can't stand them the next. I purchased a frozen Aunt Jemima breakfast with scrambled eggs and sausage -- eggs cooked to hard (one bite and it was horrible --left it right on the counter) -- I like mine soft scrambled. I might try scrambling one this weekend and putting some salsa on it and see how it goes. Good thing I keep a protein drink or two here at work and I do have half a protein bar (Atkins) at my desk. Plus the cafeteria have these little containers of peanut butter -- you know like jelly comes in -- so that is great too.
Cheese --cottage cheese --unless it says pepper jack -- not for me. I guess cottage cheese reminds me too much of buttermilk
and I can't stand the site nor the smell. it was interesting to find bologna off the cold cut list -- I found out why. I guess I'm noticing things about food I never noticed before.

Hey Tia,
I did it -- I had about half of an omelet this morning -- just egg, red peppers, cheese and onions -- with salsa -- not very big. It appears to be staying with me. I had a dental appt early this morning so I had a few strawberries about 7:30 and water and by the time I got to the office -- 2 hrs later I was a little hungery again. I figure I'll stop by the cafeteria to see what they have to put on omelets and told him not to cook it too hard -- he did an excellent job and also requested that he not use a lot of oil or whatever it is they use.
In about an hour I'll take my 10 minute break and hit the fitness center for some leg work -- I could become addicted to working out.
Glad to read that you are doing good. I am sorry I can't give any advice But hopefully one day I can eat some of the chili and beans too.
I had bought refried beans and added some sour cream and a little of sauce less than a teaspoon and I dumped on that last Sunday. That was my first dumping episode and I don't ever want to go through that again Yuck!
I have noticed I do very well with seafood now and zi am happy because seafood was one of my favorites before surgery. Maybe you should give it a try.
Good luck!
Hey Cira,
Good to hear from you. Its funny prior too surgery you couldn't catch me with a bowl of Chili with beans, it was like Chili with NO BEANS. I guess we all find what works for us to eat as we travel this new food journey. I've gotta hit the Vitamin Shoppe tomorrow and pick up a couple of bottles of the Isopure and some protein bars.
Maybe the beans should not have been of the refried kind. I don't know about trying seafood -- we'll see. My honey is talking about preparing some Bang Bang Shrimp -- like they have at Bone Fish -- maybe I'll try a little then.
I'm glad you're doing better -- how's the exercise coming?
I have never really been a chili person I only ate it once in a blue moon and only if my husband made it. Other than that spicy chili would make my acid reflux kick in and I hated to suffer all night with that.
I think I will try the chili some day in the next 2 weeks. I get really scared when I think about it. I do miss my salads and I wish I could eat that now. Do you remember when we could start eating salads? Are you able to swallow pills now? Man I forgot everything I was told and I have no idea when I can start taking pills again.
I can't stand most protein drinks and I on't ever want to try another Isopure again in my life yuck. Glad you could drink it tho.
Bang bang shrimp sounds good I want some yum! I hope you like it and your pouch likes it.
I am not realling exercising much I still get winded but I am little by little doing a little more every other day.
Take care and have a wonderful night.