Friday is the day!
Wow, Friday...well, first, congratulations...second, take a deep breath...third, enjoy the journey. This is going to be an experience of a lifetime. Losing weight and learning about your new life is so amazing. I am 15 months post op, have lost 110 pounds and feel better than I have in years. I do things that I never even gave thought to before, shop in every area of the store (except the plus size department) and the choices now are soooooooooooooooo amazing. Best wishes for a smooth surgery, smooth and quick recovery and on your weight loss. Keep us posted when you can.
Janet -- congratulations
Advice hmmmm
Fear and nerves -- NORMAL
Do as your surgeon tells you. All surgeons aren't the same -- they all have different
Have enough water, protein shakes, tea (I purchased celetial seasonsing -- no sugar no caffeine) for the first week after surgery. Chewable Vitamns -- I have Centrum chewable mulitvitamins. Calcium Chewable Wafers w/Vitamin D available at Vitamin Shoppe (maybe some other places but that's where I found mine and most protein things I drink). You can wait and pick those up for your second week --but then again your doctor's instructions on when to start the calcium may be different. He didn't want me to start the calcium until my 2nd week.
Go in with a positive attitude and a smile on your face
After the surgery -- keep moving -- walk, walk, sip, sip no
around. Just walk. you have to get your energy back
Order some liquid B-12 -- -- I take it every morning and can feel the difference when I don't.
So let us know how it goes once you are back home.
Be praying with you!