Happy Hump Day!!

good morning mo. hope you have a fun and safe trip. sounds like you have a fun weekend planned out for yourself. hope it all goes well. as for the weather, i hope you are right. neeed to get my flowers in the ground. they are out growing their pots lol
as for you going to the gym, well if you did just go in your sneakies i don't think there would be much exercising going on from the others in there. some might have yelled, STREAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!
have a great time. tammy

GM -
Is this a good, "stay in your jammies with a hot cup of tea and a book" kind of day or what? Actually, a rainy day at home beats a sunny day at work! Especially since I don't have a window at work!! And even if I did, the chain only allows me to go so far!!! Moie just in sneakers, hmm? I'm getting a visual....
Moie, you are the hostest with the mostest!!! I bet you are glad you dropped everything off last night - that was some ferocious rain we had!
So you'll be driving home on Easter, huh? Please be careful - don't hit any bunnies!!! AND don't eat any chocolate jelly beans!!! I'll be so glad when the candy displays are gone from the stores - they are there just to torment me!!
Softball started last night for K - because we didn't see the original sign-up paper (think MOTY threw it away), K's on the "Island of Misfit Toys" team, which is actually okay, because her extra chubbiness kind of impedes her. She's a good hitter and catcher, but the poor thing runs like an old man! Hopefully, just getting out and running around in the fresh air will help her. Of course, it means US running around four nights a week - more time that I don't have, but it gets me out in the fresh air, too! I had to laugh last night, B was playing "baseball" with some other little boys, and I say that in quotes because he has no clue, he's really not into sports. So I had to laugh when I heard him, as umpire, call "Ball!" and "Foul Call!" instead of "Ball!" He makes me laugh so much, he's got a great sense of humor when he doesn't even know it!!!
So anyway, have a great day, I hope it's not full of "Foul Calls!"
I was soooo glad I dropped everything last night. I literally walked the card around and made sure I knew where it was (it had mysteriously disappeared and no one knew where it was on Tuesday afternoon when I was looking for it ...) when it was out of my hands. It was a very low-key 'good-bye' and best wishes. She will still be in our building and we will see her, but we couldn't let her leave us after almost 14 years without a proper send off.
I hope that K enjoys her softball. Growing up none of us kids were EVER encouraged to play sports or participate in any activities at all. I think it's wonderful there is so much for kids to do now.
Hugs, Mo
Good Morning Mo
You are a busy busy lady. Hope you have a great weekend in CT. I didn't go to the gym this morning. I was up at 3:30 am and couldnt sleep for the life of me. I dont know why. So I watch t.v and listened to he thundestorm we had and that rain WOW. Then finally as my husband was geting up at 6 I was starting to fall asleep so me and the dogs crawled back in bed after hubby left for work. Yesterday I had a little breakdown and had alot on my mind so i think that may have had something to do with my sleep. It seems as you lay your head down things start running and keep you up longer or wake you in the middle of the night. Hope you have a great day and enjoy our trip and Hoppy early Easter
My plans have been altered somewhat. My g/f called this a.m. and had to cancel my visit with her tomorrow night, so I'll just get up on Friday a.m. and make the whole trip in one day. Not a big deal, but I was looking forward to the visit tomorrow night
Hope you get to feeling better. I know all the waiting with the daycare must be getting you down.
I got the email with the address. Will try to put check in the mail tomorrow.
Hugs, Mo

Yeah I look forward to visits and when someting happens and they cancel I get bummed . I feel better. I am drained about all this daycare stuff and just waiting. If I knew this was going to happen i could still be with the family i was working for. But we didnt know my prints would come back smugged. I'm just not use to not being finiacially free like always have been.If there was someting I wanted to do or get I went and did it or got it. That and how much more clean can a house get? LOL. But I am going up to my g/f in Va on Monday she is off for spring break (she's a daycare teacher) and were gonna hang out and she is getting a tattoo on her foot and that I cant miss. I remember mine on my leg I cant wait to see it done on a foot (OUCH) lol. So that will get me out of the house for the day and not thinking about the fingerprints. Thanks for sending the money I am so super excited about this picnic. It's at about 83 total that includes everyone families so it will be great. Hope you enjoy your weekend and drive safe