New in Maryland
Welcome to MD, Kim. Your only about 50 minutes from me. Head South and your in my area. MD is a beautiful state. Enjoy it while your here. Check out my post titled "HIKE MARYLAND". Might be something you guys would be interested in. My one and only suggestion for living in MD - sinus pills!!! Take care!
Welcome to Maryland, Kim,
Except for college years, I have lived in and around the DC area all of my life. The weather is nice and we get a balance of all, except for the hot, humid days of summer which never seem to end. Spring and Fall are my favorite.
There are other retired military on this board and I am sure you will hear from them. Their surgeries were performed at Walter Reed and hopefully their plastics will also be done there.
Try to plan for our picnic in July?
My first words of advise...find a doc that is an expert in the type of WLS you had.
Aftercare is SO SO important and here in southern Maryland (I live in Lexington Park about 40 minuted south of you), the doctors are not familiar with WLS patients and neither are the radiologists or other doctors that read films.
Seriously, think about this NOW and establish yourself with someone who can get to know you and take care of your health. I'm not trying to scare you just PREPARE you. I have always believed in "prepare for the worst but expect the best". As WLS patients we have to be our own advocate. Personally, I drive 2 1/2 hours to see my WLS doctor and wouldn't go to my local hospital for any care that I believed was GI related...they don't know how to treat WLS patients.
OK....having said all of that...WELCOME TO MARYLAND
I've lived here all my life and I really love the state and the many things to do, sights to see, and such here. What are you and your family's interests???

Hi Kim! Welcome to Maryland. I'm in Rosedale (just north of Baltimore City). You've arrived just in time! It is CRAB SEASON!!! No real words of wisdom. It's expensive to live here, but it's a great place to live. My hubby is prior Navy and we have some other military families here as well. I hope you will join us at the next get together. You just missed our one to Dave & Busters at Arundel Mills for bowling!