July Picnic
Ok well I have been waiting to rent the Pavillion because of Finiacial issues. I wanted to rent it and get the final count and split it up between all of us so it is fair. Because of my finiacial situation I cannot do that at this moment. I really want to rent it no so the date doesnt slipp away. The pavillion is $165.00. I was advised by someothers that i should post it and have who said they were coming to send me some mone towards it. So I have to submit the application and have 1 week after it has been submitted or approved to send the money in. They are closed today so Tommorow I am going to call to make sure they still have July 28th open. I will post again tommorow to let you guys know if they do and that it is ours. Hopefully I can take that date on the phone and then send the application tommorow. But what i need to know is who else is interested in going. These are who I have so far
Kelly (me)+1
Tia + 3
Heather + 1
Heaher Modi + 2
Robin Saxton + 3
David Gede + 3
Jeff Bassett + 1
Margie + 1
Kathy Cave + 2
Jamie Lusk + 3
Robin Dixon + 1
Sue T + 3
Mo + 1
Aime B
Yvette Goins + 3
Wanda E + 1
Cira + 4
That is 50 total. The pavillion holds 100 so please let me know if you would like to join us.
17 split for cost so far is $9.70. If the count comes up then it goes down but hopefully will get more by the end of the week.
So please let me know if you want to come. Hopefully they still have the date.
I agree with Mo and think $10 per member is realistic and any overage could apply to the cost of refreshments and/or entertainment. I am looking forward to this get-to-gether and will be returning from Florida just in time, the day before.
Have any plans been set for either May or June? Thank you, Kelly, for arranging this.