Hope Everyone Had a Great Weekend!
Good Morning Everybody!
I hope everyone had a great weekend! I'm sorry I wasn't able to make the get together on Saturday. As late as 9:30, I was still going. Tia had called me at 9:15 to let me know that she couldn't go. I was still planning on going and then I got pulled into something that I had said I would help with (weeks ago) and suddenly it had to get done on Saturday (with no advance notice)...so to keep peace, I lived up to my prior commitment.
So how goes the eating, fluids, supplements, protein and exercise? I did okay with eating the last few days except yesterday was a little off. Fluids, supplements and protein are always good. Exercise, well what can I say. Life is going at 100 mph these days and I just have not been able to give organized exercise the priority it needs. I'm hopeful that after this spring and my surgery in May (after recuperation) that I'll get back to going to the gym and doing an organized workout.
So how are things in your corner of the world?
Have a wonderful day!
Take Care,

GM Mo!
At least you've got good candidates in your batch of interviewees - that's a good thing. The really bad thing is when you're pressed to hire someone and none of candidates are good. You feel like you're kind of "settling". Isn't it funny that the higher ups don't get stuff that makes sense? I guess if it affected their time off directly, it would sink in, huh?
Yes, six weeks and I am kind of nervous. But I've got all this "stuff" going on in my life right now (among several things is preparing the retreat that I'm volunteering for - it's not just a case of showing up for the weekend and working. There is lots of preparation). I'm excited about the weekend and I'm also excited about the surgery. I'm a little apprehensive about the recuperation (as I've heard it's worse that recuperating from LAP RNY). But I'm determined to do it, I just want this "tire" gone. I've also heard recently of others who spoke about having little to no pain, so we'll see. I'm guessing the muscle repair part of the abdominoplasty is going to the toughest thing. Maybe if I go through this and it isn't too bad, you might decide to go the same route.
Well I gotta run, just got a notice about an unplanned meeting at 1:30 that I need to prepare for.
Take Care,

Hi Terry
My world is pretty normal today. Had a very nice weekend. A first Birthday party on Saturday ( I wasnt able to go to D & B's either
) but it was nice to be around family. Sunday me and my husband went to see Blades of Glory. It was Hilarious. I love Will Ferrell and he was just a riot. Nothing to exciting today. I had to take my wedding ring to kays to get fixed. Saturday the kids were playing with beach balls and I went to hit it and my wedding ring went flying. I think while looking for it someone may have stepped on it and one side of the diamonds got bent and it wouldnt piece back together (it's one of those 2 sets) So I took it in and wanted them to put a ring gaurd on it and they said they would just resize it. Even thought I was going to wait till I was done loosing but it is in the extended plan so why not. Then to the store for some fruits and veggies. This nice weather gets me in the mood for salads and lots of fruits. Hope you have a great day and enjoy the weather