FINALLY figured out that darn Avitar!!!
Well....being blonde can be a great excuse sometimes!!! LOL I FINALLY figured out how to do this darn (not the word I really want to use but being g-rated
) picture thing on here. So now I don't have to hear about it!!!! LOL And you all get to see my smiling face (sorry!!!) all the time now!!!!
HEH HEH HEH You asked for it!!!
Anyways, haven't posted really that much this last week. Was a bad
week and just couldn't get into my 'normal' routine of things. Trouble with the OA at work, being overly busy due to end-of-month and I have one wee****il I go on VACATION! My family and I are heading to Wilmington NC for a week and I can't wait! It will give me a chance to re-charge my batteries (Tia & Twinnie, keep your minds out of the gutter!) and get back to my 'normal' self.
Yesterday before meeting everyone at Dave & Buster's(BTW It was GREAT to see everyone who could come & everyone who couldn't make it was missed) I spoke at my surgeron's seminar about my WLS journey thus far. I was a little nervous but think I did OK. If I helped even just one person then I know I did good.
Today I went to the grocery store in the AM then have spent the rest of the day in front of the computer and watching movies. It's been a nice lazy day!
Tomorrow and the rest of the week will be a little crazy. It's our end-of-month for sales since last day of the month was on a weekend so that will keep me busy. I have a feeling we did a lot of sales so my in-bin will be full.
Plus, I want to keep everything caught up before I am on vacation so they don't have to go through my desk looking for stuff or trying to 'help' or figure stuff out.
I've been working on getting in more water and think I'm doing OK. No problems with the protein or supplements so that helps! I also joined Gold's Gym!!!! I am going to make an effort to go at least three times this week since I won't have a chance the following week. If Mo can get up at 4 AM and go
I sure can get my butt there when I get off work!!!!