Surgery is Thursday!!
Hi, surgery is Thursday!!! I can't believe how fast time has flown by. My liquid diet is harder than I ever thought it would be but that's ok, I know it will be worth it. My last day of work was Friday so tomorrow and Tuesday I'll be running errands and cleaning up the house. Wednesday I have my bowel prep then Im leaving for the hospital around 3:45am to be there by 6am. What to pack???? Any last minute advice or suggestions??? Im really excied and getting kind of nervous!!!!! My time is almost here

Hi Jamie!
Wow....yep almost here!
You'll do great! The only things I can suggest you taking with you to the hospital is chapstick of some kind and a pillow for your car ride home. You'll need it to press against your belly when the car hits bumps and such. I took a book but never even looked at it. Oh, also have sweats to go home in and slip-on shoes. You don't want to even attempt to bend over and clothes that come on and off easily are the best. Take care and your seat on the Loser's Bench is warm and waiting!!!!!