Good Sunday Morning
Good Morning everyone
Hope you guys had agreat time at D & B yesterday. I wish I could of gone. The Birthday party I went to was fun. He wasnt sure about the gifts he just liked the paper ( It was my cousins's son's First Birthday) They had like a moon bounce in the back yard and I so wanted to get it in but I didn't. I asked what the weight limit was and it was 400 and i was like yeah I could get in there (that would of been a wow but then a bunch of kids came and I let them have it to themselves. Nohing going on to much today. We may go se Blades of Glory. Everytime we talk about going to the movies we never do but I have seen so many commercials for this movie that I really want to see it so we shall see. We got our new comcast internet and it is so nice to just hit the button on were there. No more waiting for stuff to load. This is so fast. I am going to double check the directory tonight and finalize it and send it out tommorow so that everyone has it. Hope you guys have a nice rest of the day and weekend
Good morning Kelly
We missed you yesterday! It was a fun day .. definitely something we should do again .. maybe as a group of 'adults' on a Saturday evening ??? That would be a trip!!!
We got our Verizon FiOS about a month ago and I love being connected as soon as I turn the PC on .. and being able to use the laptop anywhere in the house and not have to plug it in to the phone and dial .. etc. And of course, it is FASTER!!!!
Hope you get to the movies today. I'm not a big Will Farrell fan so I'll pass on Blades of Glory, but enjoy it if you go.
Hugs, Mo