First post-oop visit
Hi Wanda!
I've been so busy and have not had a chance to post much, but I wanted to take a moment to respond to your post. I'm glad to hear things are going so well! I remember the first time I got to sleep on my side after surgery (I think it was about 3 or 4 weeks later). Before you know it, this "learning" phase will be over it'll be a vague memory.
How goes the protein supplements? Did you like the tealicious?
That's great news on the weightloss, you go girl!
Take Care,
Hi Terry,
I've tried all three of the things you gave me. I thought the unflavored was ok but now using it more I am really not liking the taste of it. I did have on chocolate drink and it was not bad, I need to try it again. The tealicious I thought was ok the first time. The second time I had a hard time getting it down. Can you make up the different things and put them in the refrigerator and use them later? Or will it change the taste of them and compromise the protein in them?
Sleeping is still an issue, I hope will correct itself in time.
I'm not sure about mixing the protein ahead of time. I have heard in the past that you shouldn't make it up ahead or the protein will break down. I usually just make it up by the glass I'm drinking and I drink it within an hour or two (depending on how busy I am).
You'll be sleeping great soon
Take Care,

Hey Wanda,
So glad you are doing so well. I haven't been on the website in a while.. busy lately. But I wanted to call you last week - took your number home and lost it. Call me at work when you get a chance... 443-285-6011. Or give me your number again.
I just got a call from Dr. Roe's office and I was approved. Set my surgery date for July 31st!!!!
I'm on my way like you... thank you so much for your updates... they mean alot to me.
I am so excited for you.
I feel like things are going slow for me. I know it's only been a couple weeks, but you want to see the scale go down everyday. Dr Roe said I might see a slight gain or no loss for a week or so the body can regain some of the things it lost during surgery.
So, I will try to be patient.
Congrats again. I will try to call tomorrow.
Take care,