It's FriPay!!!

Hey Moie -
Sowwy, I'm in Pikesville today. And I'm off on Good Friday, which is the last Friday of the session, and since I'm not sure if I'll be there after session....
Well, anyway, I get to see you tomorrow!!! I'm meeting Terry at her house, provided she's still going - she's sooo busy these days, lucky girl!! So at least we know I'll get there, and I won't end up in Kansas!!
My brother had a house appraisal yesterday, and it was NOT ready by Wednesday night, so I took off yesterday and me, Mom, Dad and Gary's girlfriend stayed there alllllll day cleaning, straightening - all for 10 minute inspection!! Oh, well, I'm pretty confident the house looked as good as it could. I did make some disgusting discoveries in the playroom - food (from B) under the furniture, food wrappers, and an odds and end assortment of junk from both of them. We're going to have a "piggy intervention" this weekend, because I AM NEVER GOING TO SEE THAT AGAIN!! In fact, I piled everything I found - good, bad, really bad, etc., in a box, and I'm going to make them sit down and go through it. If they don't want to go through the nasty leftover food stuffs, then I'm just chucking it all! Grrr!
So I'm pretty tired today, glad it's Friday, pay for you, poor for me!! I've got to wor****il 5 today and then pick them up, and then tomorrow, MOTY will drop them off and I THINK we're having breakfast with the Easter Bunny. Then I'll head on to Terry's. I've got some typing to do somewhere during the day, and on Sunday, Mom, Dad & I are making our annual Easter cemetary run and then Mom and I are going out with my aunt for lunch for Mom's bday. Then, yep, more typing. Somewhere in there laundry and cooking, too!
Hope your day goes well - mistake-free and that you interview some good, qualified applicants!
See you tomorrow,

Good morning! Yay it's Friday! I am so glad too.
It hasn't been a bad week but it has been well I guess a bit hectic. Not too busy or stressed but little problems keep coming up that need working. Such as issues with travel that should not be happening and blackberries not working in Brazil. I feel like I have been putting out little fires all week. But it's all good.
I went to a Good Will store in Westminster last night with some really good friends of mine. They are sisters and they have made me a sister too.
So they had me trying on all sorts of clothes. I found 15 items and only paid $45. That's a lot to spend at good will but i got a lot of stuff and some if it was brand new, still had the store tags on it. I found several tops, a few I felt were a bit snug but my "sisters" assured me they looked good. I am so used to buying baggy stuff to "hide" my flaws. Rest assured nothing is hoochy mama tight...just form fitting.
I had a great time. I am going to take my kids this weekend. I even got a Tommy Hilfiger shirt for $2! Everything I bought is great for spring/summer too so that is good.
Several meetings today and lots of travel plans to finalize so I should get busy. I am looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. Have a great Friday everyone!
Hugs, Robin