Any one else have this problem with Kaiser insurance?

on 3/29/07 4:26 am - Baltimore, MD
I'm wondering if I'm the only one who had this problem. Kaiser told me i had to go through 6mo of their program before they would approve me for the surg. I had to follow their gide lines to a tee. No problem! Here is the kicker, my nutritionist said i had to go out and by certain types of vitamins before she would submit my paper work for kaiser approval, i had to have all the vitamins by my next appointment, so i went out and got all the ones she told me to get, all together i paid around 70.00. no problem right? WRONG! after i did all that kaiser finally gave me the doctor. I went to see him and they are telling me that kaiser is wrong the doctor does not approve of these vitamins! i need to go out and get diffrent kinds. Now im out of 70.00 because its been a while between seeing kaiser and getting approved and seeing the dr. so the store wont take them back. is there anyone out there who went through this and if so please what did u do?
on 3/29/07 8:02 am - Crownsville, MD
Hi, I have Kaiser and went through the same thing. 6months diet, buy the vitamins, etc. I got approved, met with my surgeon in DC, got a surgery date, April 5th!!!!! surgeon said the same thing, she wants me to take the multivitamin from Walgreens that includes everything instead of taking a vitamin for each thing(iron, calcium, etc.) So I am out money too. I think Kaiser or thier nutrionist should have patients research the vitamins and possibly make just list of what they could buy for that last appointment. Im going to just keep my vitamins and hold on to them. You could try to give them away on here. When is your surgery?
on 3/30/07 1:25 am - Baltimore, MD
wow i was starting to think that i was the only one who had this problem. I completed my 6mo with kaiser (who promised me it would only be 9mo. all together) back in october, here it is the end of march and still no surg. date. i finished all my testing ect. i dont know what the deal is. I got my multivitamin at walgreens and the surg. said they didnt like that kind. opti source. congrats on your surg date. hope i will get mine soon. and GOOD LUCK!
(deactivated member)
on 3/29/07 9:18 am - Crofton, MD
Hi Gina I did not go threw that but wanted to say sorry you are going threw it. Thats wierd that they made you get these vitamins before the nutritionist would submit the paperwork. That doesnt sound right. I wish you the best and keep us updated on your journey
on 3/30/07 1:29 am - Baltimore, MD
Thank you very much. I didnt like my nutritionist anyway, she always seems like she had a chip on her shoulder to begin with. I will keep you updated thank you for your concern
Jay P.
on 3/29/07 4:27 pm - White Marsh, MD
Good luck Gina! I had Kaiser, and was having a horrible experience. Luckily, I had to change insurance companies twice, and finally ended up with Dr. Scweitzer. Thanks to Kaiser, I feel like I wasted almost 6 months of my life. But, thanks to Dr. S, I've probably added another 20 or 30 years. Jay
on 3/30/07 1:33 am - Baltimore, MD
wow im sorry to hear you had a horrible experience with them too. I know what you mean about feeling like you have waisted time, but im real glad to hear you changed and things have gotten much better! thanks and i hope you continue to have great luck!
on 3/30/07 2:05 pm - MD
OMG Long story short, same thing happened to me. I was so so so mad. I switch insurance companies and the wait is almost over. I got mad pills on my dresser the Nutrist. told me to buy that I might not need. Plus I was in the program 7 months and gain two pounds and she still was waiting for me to lose them I was fed up, because why do you think I am here, I tried losing weight on my own and it came back, it was a mess. I was with Kaiser for 2 years and the whole time it was awful. I thought this day would never come, never. BCBS, no waiting, probably cuz I did it all with kaiser, and my Surgery is scheduled for May 3rd. Good Luck Hun..
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