Salmon and broccoli & 1 baby carrot
Hey everyone,
I had my real first dinner today. I steamed a baby carrot and one small broccoll florettes. I cooked the salmon really good with a clear sauce so that it would not get dry. I used my magic bullet to blend the vegetable and then I blended the salmon with it's liquid too. I was so afraid to eat the salmon I could only eat like an ounce of the salmon and I ate my vegetables. I remember taking one bite and saying ughhh I can not eat anymore. So it tasted good but man was I scare that I might get sick. I hope this feeling goes away soon.
Guys I got on my treadmill and did 15 minutes really slow only going 1.5 but I did it. I was taking deep breaths and it hurt so much I was about to give up. Then I took another deeo breath and I felt this huge pain on my back where my lower left lung is at and I was oh man I better get off this treadmill. But I decided to take another breath and it didn't hurt as much anymore. I think my lung expanded completely so I am very happy about that. I cleaned around the house did the laundry and made lunch for the kids and I was pooped. I took a nap late afternoon and when I woke up I was laying on my left side. I was so happy that even if it was hurting it was only a little bit.
I will do another 15 minutes on the treadmill when the kids fall asleep so I can do that in peace.
I just wanted to let you all know of my progress. Here i am drinking a diluted prefect protein bullet. I really don't like those. But I have to finish them. lol
Have a wonderful night everyone.
Hi I dont know you and I am new to this board. I have thought about the surgery for a long time and I am going to try Crofton meetings. I live in Crofton and would love good advice and maybe then I can decide. I am glad you are home and coming along I did try to keep up with your progress, I hope you didnt mind. I wish you continued sucess and if you go to Crofton maybe I will see you there.Take care and I am glad you are ok. I think any time on a treadmill is great.........Take care.
Hi Julie,
I am so behind on reading the posts but I believe that I saw you posted to me the other day. I just haven't had the energy to answer all. But yes I am glad that you have followed my journey. I hope I didn't scare you too much. I would love to meet you in one of the support meetings at Crofton. I am not sure if I will go this coming monday. But if I have some energy I might just muster up some to drive there.
I can't wait to meet you and please if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to ask. Everyone here is just wonderful and very supportive.
Thank you for the wonderful support and I can't wait to be there for you when it is your turn.

Hi cira!!! Dinner sounds good! One of the great things I had post op was salmon salad. Nice and mushy (canned salmon - skin and bones removed and made like tunafish). It sounds like you are progressing VERY well! How is Gino doing? Finally relieved? I'm so happy for you that you are on the road to being back to 100%. (((((((((((((((HUGSS))))))))))))))))
Hi Heather,
Dinner tasted good I just couldn't have more. Salmon salad? tell me how to do that one. You buy the salmon steak or did you use the can salmon? I love to know since I love salmon.
Gino is doing good he has been busy with work and trying to keep things at a norm at home. He is a wonderful husband and I can not ask for anything more. He is more calm now and he keeps telling me how good I am doing and that he is noticing how much I am losing.
Yes I am definitely on my way to full recovery and I can't wait to feel 100%.
We might just be there on Saturday morning just to say hello and chat for a little. I would love for you all to meet my wonderful hubby and crazy kids. lol

Hey there Tammy,
I have been thinking about you. I was thinking of calling you again but then thought you was out and about enjoying the good weather. lol
Thank you so much for your wonderful support and friendship it means the world to me. I can't wait to be there for you when it is your turn too.
Girl while I was on my supervised weight loss visits I had to see Sloan the nutritionist and she lets you know how important it is to have a low fat and low carb and high protein diet. When you have surgery it is imperative that you take the amount of grams you need a day to supplement your system. It is good for promoting healing, giving energy and letting your muscles waste away when you are losing so fast. I am still having an issure with getting the required amount but now that my taste buds are getting a little better I might just be able to make my daily allowance.
I am trying hard to reciver and trust me when I am tired I go rest. I have had a few close calls with almost getting a migraine. I am not crushing my meds for it because I hate the taste of the crush medicines but thank goodness the liquid adult strength tylenol has been helping me. Thank goodness!
Girl you can call me if I am sleeping my daughter will definitely let you know and she will give me the message. I took a late afternoon nap and so now I am wide awake. lol
Ok I will talk to you soon sweetie.
Woo Who -- go Cira.
Take it easy on the workouts. When I started working out I'd work out 2 days in a row and then I'd have to take 2 days to recover. Glad to hear you are able to eat something -- wow a real meal. I start reintroducing solids this week --actually started tonight. I'm going shopping for chicken and other meats this weekend. Think I'll make a trip downtown toe Lexington Market for some skinless chicken breast -- one of those will be 2-3 meals. I'd already started eating vegetables by themselves. Birds Eye have this container of veggies that are steamed in the Microwave for 4-5 minutes which makes them soft and I'll eat half of that and save the other half for another meal.
Well I'm going to bed -- holler at ya'll tomorrow.